1 | el Casino de Salvaje

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el Casino de Salvaje: The Casino of the Feral. It's notoriously known to be the most exclusive and most hardcore casino of the lands. It only opens 6 hours through the night, right when the sun sets to right when it rises again. You can only see it if your booking was approved.

Quackity was a proud sole owner.

Word got around that they spot him loitering around university grounds during the day, but nobody has seen him more than once in their whole lifetime. Little did they know he actually studied there. A law student, he was. One of the brightest of the cohort.

You could say he lived somewhat of a double life. Law student by day, casino owner by night. Some say he didn't need sleep, for he thrived off of monster energy and the tears and screams of his losing customers.

It was 6pm when Quackity clocked in and started polishing the pool table balls. He enjoyed busking in the silence of it all before it all went down to chaos. The sun started setting at 7:07pm. He had a long night ahead.

The Casino's regular customers mainly consisted of loaded CEOs with feud in their circles, and occasionally curious young adults who either thought they could outsmart the system or wanted to see how bad it could get. 'Regular customers', of course, referred to those who survive through the night. Despite the countless deaths, Quackity was never caught nor questioned. There was a reason he chose to study law. He needed to learn the rules to be able to go around them.

At 7:30pm, right as the last bit of sun fades off, the Casino came to life. The heavy, velvet doors opened, neon signs ignited, loud music played from a crying jukebox, and the very first customer of the night rolled in, face in awe and confusion at the place he had never seen before.

On the contrary to the usual obnoxiously masculine cologue and fine-pressed suits his regular customers wore, the man walking in at an achingly timid speed wore a soft beige sweater. Upon closer inspection, he realised the man smelled of nail polish and flowers.

Quackity smiled, pulling out the name list. This was going to be an interesting sight. "Welcome. Name?"

The man gave a smile back. "Hello! Karl Jacobs! I'm waiting on 3 of my friends, are we on the list?"

"First time?" Quackity asked, flipping through the name list to put a check mark beside his name.


"Alright," he hands over the name list, "I need you to write your full name and emergency contact beside your name, for safety purposes. Then sign here."

Karl nodded and did so. It was Quackity's turn to stare in awe this time; he couldn't understand why a man who looked and smelled and spoke like Karl would ever find any business coming to the Casino. Did he have a death wish? Was he simply dragged along by his friends? Did he even know what he was getting himself into? The curiosity was killing him.

Karl signed off after writing down the information without question and handed the list back to Quackity.

"What are you here for?" He couldn't help himself but to ask.

"Do I need a reason to come to a casino?" Karl showed a pouch. "Oh, I'm not broke. I have cash, if that's what you're worried about. And I play by the rules."

Quackity glanced at Karl, the pouch, his outfit, the name list, and back to Karl. "We only have one rule here. You do know this isn't just any casino, right?"

"Yep! My friends found this place and thought it'll be fun to try it out together. I would've definitely come earlier if I knew the owner was so handsome." He giggled.

"Alright, okay," Quackity countered immediately, waving a hand frantically in both shock and amusement. "But I just want to warn you that we take the rule very seriously here. And just in case you weren't aware, there are no limits to what you can gamble, even if it gets you killed."

"Like I said," Karl has a mischievous sparkle in his eye. "I play by the rules."

"What's the rule here, Karl? I just wanna make sure you know what you're getting yourself into."

Quackity didn't know why he was so insistent on scaring Karl out of here. Perhaps it was because he felt a sliver of something for the man standing in front of him, in all his innocent and cheerful demeanor. Pity? Sympathy? Whatever it was, he couldn't bear seeing Karl unable to make it through the night. A man like him looked like he had so much love to give and so much to live for.

Karl grinned. "What are you, worried for me? I don't even know your name."

"What's the rule, Karl?"

Karl's grin dropped. "Pay what you owe or it's off with your head."

Quackity nodded, showing the way to Karl's table for 4. He pushed away every ounce of question he had about Karl. He seemed to know what he was doing. It would be fun, he convinced himself.

"Any games or drinks you would like to get started with?"

Let the games begin.


A/N: I have no idea what I just committed myself to writing but I HOPE YOU'RE ENJOYING IT SO FAR! I'll try to make daily updates bc I'm hyped for this ok BYE

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