3 | Sense Roulette

103 3 1

You could learn a lot from playing 1 game with a person; you learn how much risk they're willing to take and what they have to lose. In the case of the only people in the Casino that night, Quackity learnt that they were varying combinations of intelligent, loaded, reckless, and savage. Even Karl who initially seemed like a lost little lamb. He sure looked the part.

Quackity served the 4 men their drinks, using the excuse of his courtesy to get away from the table. Animals, he thought as he watched them warm up with another game of multiplayer chess. Absolutely feral.

"What games can I get started for you guys tonight?"

It was the Casino's tradition to play through at least 3 rounds before you call sunrise, out of respect for both the Casino and your opponents. Having been here before, it was no mystery Dream knew of this.

Dream spoke, "Why don't you 3 pick a game each? We can call it a night after that." He chuckled like the maniac he was, as if blown away by his own cockiness.

"Oh hell no. I can last longer than that, bitch," Sapnap said, dragging out his 'hell' in disbelief. He looked at the list of games on the table. "I choose Sense Roulette. Sounds sick."

The Casino's exclusive Sense Roulette

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The Casino's exclusive Sense Roulette. A little wheel of 15 numbers that dug your dignity to hell.

"Is that your final decision?"

A chorus of agreement was heard. Quackity hit a button on the remote and the rules announced on the table's screen.

— Sense Roulette —

1. Each player has 2 turns.
2. At your turn, pin the roulette.
3. The number you land on will correspond to a task you need to accomplish. It relates to your 5 senses — sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.
4. Your turn ends when you complete the task.

— End —

The screen faded off to black. Quackity didn't ask if anyone needed clarification. He never did. Instead, he put out his hand, the roulette sat soundly in his palm. The list of tasks on their table followed. It was laminated, printed in fancy fine font, like a menu.

He pressed the button under the table. The middle of the table swiped away to reveal a hollow square with pencils and paper. "Write your bets in. The winner will be whoever completes both turns properly without trying to psych the system. I'll close it in 5 minutes."

"Wait, I have a question," Karl said, raising his hand. Quackity leaned forward and nodded at him to go ahead. "What if we all complete our tasks?"

Quackity smiled. Karl had no idea what he was in for. "Well, then the Casino pays."

"LET'S GOOO," George shouted, beaming with confidence. He started scribbling away, as did the rest of them.

They all locked in their bets. Quackity clicked the compartment shut. The game began.

"I wanna go first," George volunteered. At the other men's nods, he spun the roulette and landed on 5. He checked the list.

5 - Sight
Enter Room 3 and escape it in 10 minutes.

"That's it?" He asked incredulously. "Doesn't sound very tough."

Dream let out a chuckle.

Quackity showed George to Room 3 and locked the door from outside. The timer of 5 minutes began.

There were a total of 3 rooms with unique locks installed and designed solely for Sense Roulette. One room was freezing cold, another blazing hot, and another had water rising when the timer started. All of them were pitch-black. George entered the first one in nothing but a thin t-shirt and shorts. And he had to crack the passcode in 10 minutes in order to get out.

The game resumed in the meantime. It was Sapnap's turn.

13 - Touch
Place your hand on the table for 10 seconds.

"What?" Sapnap had a similar expression to George. He placed a hand on the table.

"No, no, hang on. Hands off. All of you," Quackity said. Everyone obeyed. Quackity pressed another button under the table and everyone waited in anticipation. A block of the table with a handprint rose on Sapnap's side.

"What the fuck is going on?" Sapnap asked mockingly, though his voice was shaking a little.

Quackity gestured for Sapnap to place a hand on the table. He did so. He immediately swore, and shoved his hand away from the surface as a reflex. He took a deep breath, and placed his hand back on the table.

Electricity. Fire. Dry ice. Somehow whatever he was touching felt like all 3 of that at once. It hurt like hell one momented and soothed over the next. Quackity watched with a sinister smile as his breathing quickened. The best part of his job was the power to put cocky dickheads in their place.

10 seconds, Sapnap thought loudly in his head as his head burned and burned. You can fucking do this.

The timer beeped. He retracted his hand immediately and glared at Quackity. "What the fuck?"

Dream voluntarily spun the roulette.

9 - Hearing
Enter Room 2 and escape in 10 minutes.

He got lucky, as he did the first time he came. Room 2 had rising water and he was pretty tall, which could buy him a couple more minutes before he had to struggle to breathe. It worked in his favour.

Quackity escorted Dream to Room 2 and locked the door. The timer started. He made his way back to the table, giving Karl a raise of his eyebrow. "Your turn, pretty boy."

Karl span the roulette.

1 - Touch
Tie your hands behind your back until the game fully ends.

Karl cracked a smile. "I guess I got lucky? Are you the one tying me up?"

Quackity ignored his comment and headed to the storeroom for rope. When he returned, Karl shoved his wrists in front of him with a grin. Quackity couldn't figure out what the hell his smile meant.

"Someone's excited," he commented on Karl's willingness to be tied up. "Behind your back."

Karl obeyed. Sapnap watched the scene unfold in front of him in curiosity and confusion.

"You two know each other?"

Quackity secured the knot on Karl's wrists with his mouth. "Nope. There, done. Don't try to get out or I'll make it tighter."

"Yes, sir." The mysterious glint in Karl's eyes remained.

Some distance away, timers continued counting down the second. Dream and George were in a tug-of-war with life itself.


A/N: Hope you're enjoying the little crumbs of dnf and karlity heheh. A vote (if you want to) would be much appreciated!

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