Part 4

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It's been a few weeks, since the Alpha Orionis incident. Yuki, hoping her wish would work.

Before Yuki left from Earth she'd packed a pink dress, to wear when meeting the Queen, Starsha on Iscandar. She decided to put it on and show it to the others in the morning at breakfast

"The same thing again? I'm getting sick of it." She heard Kodai's voice say. She walks in the cafeteria. "Kodai-kun, you shouldn't ask too much. Don't think about complaining, just try to have fun!" She said going over to get her food. Everyone looks at her. "How do I look? Today its arranged in the style of Cardin of 20th century France. Titled 'For The Roses'. The model is Miss Mori Yuki." She says as they all applaud. She twirls around a few times before Analyzer rolls by and flips up her skirt. She lets out a squeal and puts it down. "No!" She yells as she runs away.

Kodai and the others were in a tanning room, along with Analyzer.

Yuki's been on my mind a lot, she looked beautiful this morning.

Kodai thought.

He looks over at Analyzer. "You're a very well made robot indeed. You have emotions just like us!" He said. "I am human, I do what I want to do." Analyzer says. Kato is behind them. "So, not just flipping up her skirt, if you feel like kissing her you'd do it?" He asks. "I would! I kiss or even farther!" Analyzer replies. "Even farther?! Wait a minute!" Kodai said, confused and jealous.

I mean I know Yuki won't fall for a pervy robot but still.

Kodai thought.

"You're supposed to control yourself about that! That's what humans do." He continues. "If I suppress myself, I'll break." He said. Kodai looked away. "Its a robot after all." Said Kodai. "I'm human!" He replies. Kato looks over to us again. "Oh is that so? What are your plans for Yuki now?" He asks. "Marriage." Analyzer says. "Say what?!" Kidai gasps.

The Yamato has made it to planet Beemela, and Yuki is responsible to go down there and find any possibly edible plants.

She has to take Analyzer with her.

I'm kind of nervous for this because of how many times he has lifted my skirt or touched me. He annoys me, but at least hes a genius and can help us out lots

Yuki thought.

On their way flying down, Analyzer speaks. "Cheif Environmental Commander..." He says. Yuki looks to the back of the jet. "What is it?" She asked. "Will you marry me?" He asks. It distracts her and the jet goes out of control "Ahh!" She yells trying to get back in control. They crash down on the surface into some water. With Analyzer's heavy robot body falling on top of her. "Why would you say something like that while I'm piloting?! This hurts." She said. "Are you damaged?" She asks. "No, none." He replies. "I wish you had been. Now move!!" She tells him. "I want to stay like this for a while." He says. "Analyzer! Analyze the air composition!" She tells him. They get out of the jet and walk through the water to the land.

They find a hill, with holes in it. "What is that?" Yuki asks. "Looks like an anthill, or behive" Analyzer replies. "Let's go" She said as they both walk towards it.

They go inside. It's dark. Analyzer has a light built into him though so they can see. They are greeted by a bee type alien. He does a strange signal and multiple of them come down from the top of the cave and grab Analyzer and Yuki. They tie them up and put them in a cell.

They think Yuki and analyzer are Gamilas.

"We'll probably be killed." Said Analyzer. "Don't way that!!" She looks over to him. "What's with your clam look? You'll just become scrap parts so it won't be a big deal! But death is a major issue for a human!" She tells him. " think that's all I am? My death means I become scrap? Even I have a life. It's a life a human have to me. My life was created by a human, and it has made me fall in love with you. My body is metal and its certainly tougher thatn yours. So I'll fight for you until I die. I won't let them kill you. I'll give my life for you." Said Analyzer. She gasps. "Analyzer, your heart is so...human." she says.

They are taken out of their cell and the bee aliens bring them to thier queen. "You kill us, we'll kill the Gamilas! If Gamilas are killed you'll be blamed!" Says one of the beemela aliens. "They think we're from we thought." Yuki said. "Gamilas and Earthlings look almost the same." Said Analyzer.

Later, finally, the rest of the Yamato crew comes down to save Analyzer and Yuki. As they are being beaten by the Aliens. Analyzer is protecting Yuki, though. Thye both manage to escape, as Analyzer drags Yuki away. She sees Kodai. She stands up and runs towards him. "Kodai-kun!" She calls out as she throws herself in his arms without thinking. "Sorry I was late, we took a while to get the tanker." He said.

His embrace is I felt it many times I've been embraced by this very person ever so long comforts me...I feel so safe.

Yuki thought.

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