Mitsuya x Takemichi

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After a time of sh*t going through space due to Takemichi's clumsy nature, the space shows a gap, going back to the past to become a 3-year-old child

Finally, the bag fell in the middle of Mitsuya's house. But the important thing is that Takemichi doesn't remember anything right now

- Are you Takemichi?! _Mitsuya was a little scared looking at her cute little form

Calm down,  today only Mitsuya is at home,  the two brothers and their parents went on a trip so that means Takemichi's day is for Mitsuya and she probably won't remember anything haha

- who are you?! _ Tiny Takemichi pointed at Mitsuya's face

- Come on, you're not a bad person!! _ tenderly looked at Takemichi and smiled,   picked up

- only bad people say they're not ugly!! _ Takemichi said immaturely,  trying to push Mitsuya away

Like ten thousand arrows piercing the heart, Mitsuya stood up , Takemichi quickly pushed it away

When Mitsuya woke up, he quickly caught Takemichi,  a little bit will hurt Takemichi

- bad people spend!! Takemichi puffed out his cheeks in anger. Wow so cute~

After saying that, he fell asleep again, that child is so innocent, is also very random
Sleepy also sleep always in place. Really looks like a small cat

Mitsuya also agreed,  Mitsuya family has two younger brothers, how can they not know how to take care of a baby!!

Watching Takemichi sleep,  Mitsuya couldn't help but poke Takemichi's chubby cheeks. After that, I want to do it again, hôn approached and kissed her little lips lightly, just brushed it and made Mitsuya blush and hug her.
Takemichi wakes up at noon,  must know he's hungry,  follows the delicious aroma of food to see bad people cooking,  Takemichi hides behind the wall revealing no more than half of his body,  a face full of lust

The cute scene hit Mitsuya's eyes again,  quickly turned away,  covered the blush on her face

It didn't take long for the food to appear. Takemichi reached for the plate which was taken away by Mitsuya. Puffy cheeks, pouty lips,  Takemichi extended his hand as if he wanted to take it

- the bad guy gave it here

- called Mitsuya-onii-chan  will think again! _ smiley eyes

Why is Mitsuya so shameless!! Where is the gentle face of the day

- Mitsuya-onii-chan..  !! _ Takemichi called out without hesitation không

- Eat it!! _Mitsuya gives Takemichi the plate to eat

-* calm down,  calm down,  calm down!! Calm down x N * _ Mitsuya internally screams,  so happy

After eating and sleeping, Mitsuya even thought that children were cute

Afternoon take Takemichi to the park công

- Aaaaaaaa....  Mitsuya-onii-chan ....  C'mon....

Takemichi shouted,  hugged mitsuya,  those children who are not afraid of ghosts Takemichi was lured to a haunted house by Mitsuya

With a happy expression,ya Mitsuya hugged Takemichi and spoke in reassurance

- No problem!!

At night, when I go home to Mitsuya, after eating, I watch Takemichi sleep. But Mitsuya is happy to spend the day with the person she likes

That night Mitsuya took a bunch of Takemichi pictures. The engine room is full and doesn't sleep until the night

The next morning Takemichi was back to normal but didn't remember anything and Mitsuya didn't ask and it was Mitsuya's memorable day.

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