Good morning bubs<3

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Ani's side of the story
I woke up from a bad dream feeling queasy and unhinged. My face was warm and there were exactly 3 knots in my stomach going vertical like a snow man's buttons. I was so anxious and scared until I felt a hand twitch on my back. I looked up and I saw Jonathan, my baby, sleeping peacefully under me. He was drooling all over my freshly washed pillows and his hair was a big, fluffy mess. I was about to wake him up until I saw him smirk.
"You're not asleep, dummy" I chuckled. I saw him open is big blue eyes and look straight down at me. He looked so adorably sleepy. He was wearing a Pepsi shirt and dark blue sweatpants. He smelled so incredible. He smelled like the cookies we made the night before.

Jon's side of the story
I woke up before Ani. I opened my eyes and looked down at her. She is such a beautiful sleeper. Everything she does is amazing. I felt her warmth and heart pounding on my chest. "She must be having a bad dream" I thought to myself. I saw her shake and knew she was about to wake up so I closed my eyes again and pretended to sleep because I know how she likes to wake up before me. She woke up breathing rapidly. I thought I should wake up and help her but I didn't want her to feel like I was waiting for her to get up, even though I kind of was. I would peak every now and then to check on her. I was good until my hand twitched so I closed my eyes shut quickly. I was in the clear until I felt her eyes on me. I couldn't help but smile.
"You're not asleep, dummy" she said. I opened my eyes to see this incredible girl in my arms. Her smile beaming, her messy hair, everything about her infatuated me.
"Good morning baby" I said as I kissed her forehead.
"Good morning Jonny". God I love when she calls me that🥺.

Ani's side of the story
I knew he loved being called Jonny. I was feeling good now that I had him. "I think I want to go on a date" I said to him

"Oh? Well where to miss Ani?" - Jon

"Hmmmm well Mr Brandis I think I want to go get breakfast, come back here to watch tv and do whatever we want, then we can grab 5 guys, go for a long drive at sunset, and then go to a drive in movie at night."- Ani
I was being bold and I finally told him what I wanted. I was nervous because I wasn't sure if he wanted to do that as well.

" Sounds great!" He said. Then he kissed me and stumbled off to the bathroom. I was so happy he said it was good. My dream date with my dream boy? What could go wrong? I thought that was the perfect night to tell him something I had been wanting to tell him for a long time. I love him. But I didn't know if he loved me back. I thought "well I guess we will find out tonight!"

—————————————————————————p.s I recommend listening to cant take my eyes off you, the one posted by college music!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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