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The days continued to pass and Thor began to show more affection to you daily. While he hadn't told you he loved you back, you understood. He had just left a long relationship and even if he did have feelings for you, you knew that love was the last thing on his mind. Despite everything, you still felt appreciated and wanted. Above all, you felt safe.

You were finally able to start your job as an assistant to the Avengers and Tony had been impressed by how quickly you had picked up on things.

After a Monday morning meeting with the entire team, Thor pulled you outside to take a walk with him. The sky was clear and the sounds of birds chirping filled the grounds of the compound.

After some silence, you finally spoke up.

"Is everything okay?"

"Y/N," Thor sighed. "I feel as though I must return home. Something doesn't feel right. I fear Asgard is in danger."

You frowned at what Thor had to say but you did understand.

"When will you leave?" You finally asked.

"Momentarily," Thor muttered. "Now that I know you are safe, I feel that I can go without worry."

"Oh," you whispered, feeling as though Thor wouldn't worry about you now.

"Y/N," Thor replied as he stopped walking.

You stopped as Thor grabbed your hand and you turned your body to face him.


"Come with me," Thor suggested.

"I couldn't. You've told me what happened when you took Jane to Asgard. No way," you muttered. "Plus, I can't leave my new job."

"There's no trying to steal you from Stark, is there?" Thor questioned.

"I'm afraid not," you sighed. "How long would you be gone?"

"I do not know."

You frowned and looked down at the ground, not truly knowing how to feel.

"I guess that this is it then," you said quietly.

Although Thor knew you were disappointed, he did his best to hide his own disappointment. He had seen where you had formerly lived and wished to share Asgard with you as well.

Despite your wishes not to go to Asgard, he knew he didn't want to lose you.

Thor took a deep breath before reaching his hand out to you and kissing the top of your hand.

"Heimdall," Thor yelled as he yanked you close to him before raising mjolnir into the air.

In an instant, a colorful beam of light surrounded you and you couldn't help but feel nauseous as the bifrost moved you from just outside of the compound to an unfamiliar gold lined, dome shaped room. At its center stood a man with some of the most beautiful eyes you had ever seen.

"So this is her?" The man questioned.

"Heimdall," Thor said with a smile. "This is Y/N."

"It's good to properly meet you, Y/N," Heimdall said as he gave a quick bow of his head.

"It's good to meet you as well," you replied with a smile before looking at the dome before your eyes fell upon the rainbow bridge.

As your gaze followed the bridge, you gasped once you saw the beauty of Asgard from a distance. Everything was lined in gold and it was beautiful.

"I thought I told you I couldn't come," you said quietly with a small smile.

Thor grinned to himself as he began to usher you out into the bridge and towards the palace.

ThunderstruckTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang