Chapter 2

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At the age of 13 I was an expert in coding and designed my very own MMR game. When I was 14 my father suddenly fell dangerously ill. I tried every herbal remedy and bought all the medicine I could to make him better, but the best it could do was slow the illness down. Eventually he figured that out and sat me down to explain everything about our family and his past. Two weeks before I turned 15 he died. I buried him outside the house and knew now that he was dead, I would take my chance. I take over as game master for my father and ready myself. I prepared and planned for two years. I finally saw it in the nominations. Very promising people. I replaced one of the nominations with myself. On the day of, I go to the waiting area and all of us are placed together in a waiting area.

Everyone is sizing each other up. I have a cloak and a scarf covering my face. Don't want anyone focusing on any distinct features. There isn't much waiting and we all get sent in separately at random points.

I just use my knowledge and visit the tower. After that I move through the walls and watch everyone's position with my monitor. I could easily win the game because I am the game master. But that's not what I'm here for. Now more than ever before do I want revenge. After the game ends, I'm going for the creator's next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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