Passing Notes-- Fem!Cielois, Modern AU

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Everyone knows that passing notes during class results in one of two things: an out-loud dramatic reading of the note by the teacher, or a detention. Or, if your luck is really down, both.

And Eloise Trancy was prepared to risk both for what she was determined to do. Or rather, get. But she totally wouldn't mind doing said prize.

And that prize was none other than the lovely Ciela Phantomhive.

Eloise spent her lunchtime in the library for once, hashing out her plan. She thought about her assets-- she possessed cleverness, charm, and a talent for words and acting. She crossed out possibilities in her head until she came to the perfect culmination of her talents. And that was to pass the perfect storm of notes to her, throw in a few flirty winks, and make the bluenette fall madly in love with her. Though, she could settle for a crush. Any affection from the petite girl was more than enough.

As Eloise walked to her next class-- the best class, in her opinion-- she thought about Ciela with a dreamy smile. The girl was absolutely gorgeous. She had these ocean blue eyes that you could easily get lost in, soft, creamy, flawless skin, perfectly kissable lips, and silky blue-ish hair that reached down her back. Eloise had always wondered how such a color was naturally occurring, considering she had known Ciela since they were children and therefore knew it wasn't dyed. And that fine ass... She stopped herself from getting too turned on as she walked into her class.

Her fantasies were suddenly replaced by tingling nerves. Her seat seemed to be covered in static, and her heartbeat was probably way beyond a healthy pace. And then, the moment she had been waiting for.

Ciela walked in with her same somber expression, methodically sitting down in her seat next to the blonde. She pulled out her papers for the day and last night's homework, all of which were completed with stunning accuracy. The Phantomhive girl was extremely bright, and aspired to become a detective after she graduated. So naturally, she kept her GPA above a 4.0.

As the other girl was preparing for class, Eloise seized the opportunity to write her first note. She had practically planned exactly how the conversation would go. A devious smirk spread across her face as she penned the words. She then took a deep breath and nonchalantly tossed the folded up paper Ciela's way.

The bluenette's eyes darted to the sudden movement next to her, her eyes leading up to the blonde. "I think you dropped that." Eloise said innocently, pointing to the paper.

Ciela raised an eyebrow and hesitantly picked the paper up. She was no idiot, and knew exactly who dropped the paper. But she decided to play along.

Note: I envy your mirror. It's so lucky, it gets see your lovely face every day.

She blushed as she read it, biting her lip. God, Eloise loved it when she did that. The bluenette, to the other girl's suprise, neatly wrote a response below it, tossing it to the ground.

"Oh, I think that's yours?" She opened the murder mystery that had been laying on her desk and began to read it.

Eloise stared at it for a moment before picking it up, quickly unfolding it.

If you think a mirror can see me, then you must have planted a camera behind it or something.

She pouted and scribbled her response, carelessly dropping it. Ciela looked up from her book and plucked the note from the ground.

I wouldn't do that, but I wouldn't be opposed to a few cute pictures of you, either.

Ciela rolled her eyes and wrote onto the paper once more, passing it to the blonde, who opened it with a smirk.

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