Chapter 8

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The courtyard had changed during the time I spent getting ready. All training exercises and fights had come to a halt, and everyone had crowded around the armory door. There was a rainbow of eyes scrutinizing me as I stumbled into the sunlight, each one held a different set of expectations. I am pretty sure I looked like a deer in headlights.

I scanned the crowd until my eyes landed on Layla. She hovered off to the side of the crowd, looking on passively. You think she would be concerned that one of her teammates was about to be hospitalized.


You know what? Screw it. I didn't need her concern or anything. I pushed my way through the crowd and stopped in front of the arena. Ferris and his lackeys already stood on their side of the arena. First Sergeant Margaret stood at the edge and motioned for me to step into the circle. I nodded and stepped into the arena.

"This will be a one-on-one match, with the purpose of ascertaining Samuel Read's combat ability," announced First Sergeant Margaret, "The mercy rule is in place. Only training weapons are allowed. The fight will continue until I say stop or one of you concedes. Let's keep it clean gentlemen. The fight will commence on my mark."

"Oh good, she implemented the mercy rule," Marcus appeared behind me, "It prevents Ferris from knocking you to the ground and beating you mercilessly. But, so long as you aren't lying down on the ground, you're fair game. Good luck, you'll need it." He gave me a pat on the back and then began to move back.

"Wait," I called out, "Am I just supposed to hit him or what?"

"Just try not to get beat up too bad," he replied, his grin assumed its normal place on his face. I made a mental note to punch him later.

First Sergeant Margaret tapped circle with her finger. The bricks began to glow and a wall of energy appeared around the edges of the ring. I tentatively touched the wall. It was solid but I could see through it. First Sergeant Margaret noticed my puzzled expression and explained, "It's a wall of energy. It allows light and sound to pass through but nothing else. It protects the onlookers from the fight.

"Fighters to your positions!" she ordered. I spread my legs shoulder width apart, squared my shoulders, and held my sword in front of me with both hands. My weapon seemed like a toothpick compared to Ferris's massive axe. He stood casually, not taking me seriously at all. He wasn't even wearing sleeves like me. We stared each other down for what seemed like eternity until First Sergeant Margaret shouted, "Begin!" A loud cheer rang out from the audience.

I dropped the ground before she finished the word. All of the cheering sort of faded into confused noises. Ferris walked over to my prone figure and slammed his axe on the ground, inches from head. He crouched next me, "What the hell are you doing, coward?"

I grinned, "Creating an opening." I slammed the pommel of my sword into his nose. There was an audible crack as his nose broke from the impact. He stumbled back and landed on his butt. He covered his nose as it gushed blood. His eyes shot daggers at me as I slowly rise to my feet.

"What the hell was that?" he yelled.

"The mercy rule says you can't hit me while I am on the ground, it never said anything about me hitting you," I replied grinning like Marcus. I turned my head and look at Marcus who also had his stupid grin on his face. He put his hand on the barrier and I give him a high five on it.

"That's an illegal move. Call him on it, First Sergeant," Ferris growled at the chuckling First Sergeant Margaret.

"That's not how you speak to your superior, rookie," stated First Sergeant Margaret. "And Samuel is right. There is no rule against what he did." I love her. The crowd erupted in cheers, except for Ferris's supporters who protested.

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