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George was bored. He had nothing to do. All he could do was sit and worry. Worry about Clay, his future, when he'll get the chance to give Casey what she deserves.

A new day

As George was scrolling through his feed, he noticed that Clay was getting a large amount of 'Happy birthday' messages.

//George POV//

Shit. Is it Clays birthday?? Oh crap I'm not sure! Let me check my calendar.


George checked his calendar.


CRAP IT IS! I haven't even messaged Him!


George rushed to his phone.

"I'm so sorry Clay, I didn't message earlier!! Happy birthday babe ! -George
"Hah, your funny. Thanks pretty boy" -Clay

George started blushing. Stupid auto correct.

Suddenly he heard a message come through discord. George wandered over to his pc, and opened up the chat.
It was drista?

Drista is obviously dreams sister, but we are going to refer to her as Darcy since I'm using Clay and not dream !!


Hey George
You'll never guess what I've got


Oh uh
What is it?


I've gotten you a plane ticket to come to Florida !!


You, WHAT?


A plane ticket!
Its in the mail and should be arriving soon


Darcy you didn't have to do this
That's a lot of money!


Yeah, i know, but Clay means so much to me, and i know he does to you too, so i just want to see him happy. I know your the only person who can make him generally smile.


That's so sweet, thank you.
But why hasn't Clay said anything about it?


Well i kinda haven't told him
Its a birthday surprise!


Oh gosh okay
Anyways i best start getting myself ready!
Thanks again!




George was so excited. He'd finally get to meet his soulmate, the one he'd loved for an eternity. His eyes glowed with happiness. He continued day dreaming. He couldn't wait to hug Clay, hug him Harder then anyone ever had. Then he remembered. Casey.

George tried to shake off the thought of her and continued getting his clothes together.

*ding dong*

That was the doorbell. George hurried downstairs to answer the door, at the door, there stood a postman. He handed George the envelope and waved goodbye.

George ripped open the envelope. Inside was a note and a plane ticket!

the note read;

Dear George,

Hey George :) it's me, Darcy. I really hope you enjoy this gift. Please come and make my brother happy, I haven't seen him smile in a while.


a beaming glow spread across his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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