Chapter 14

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The last chapter was adorable, if I do say so myself. This is where the team starts looking for tony and dealing with the world’s reactions to this.

Chapter 14

“Do I have to?”

“Yes Ms. Stark, you do.”

“But I don’t want to go to a press conference!”

“It is not a matter of wants, Ms. Stark, but needs.”

“Yes. I need to keep looking for my dad.”

“And the world needs you to go to this conference. I will call in the board if you do not.”

“Ugh. Fine.

”Thank you.”

I growl at the phone as I hang up on one of my PR reps – Shelly? Sharon? Suzy? – and fall on to my bed.

“Jarvis, remind me to tell dad to fire whomever I just got off the phone with.”

“Yes Ms. Stark. Might I suggest getting dressed for the conference?”

I give the ceiling my best I-will-never-forget-this glare, but eventually slide off my bed and go hunt down Natasha.

I’m gonna need clothes.


“Ms. Stark!”


“Over here! Ms. Stark!”


“Smile for the camera!”

I am herded through the mass of flashing lights and screaming reporters by my bodyguards – two of which are Steve and Thor in tuxes – towards the podium, which also happens to be the center of the crowd.

Once I finally am broken through the last layer of people, my bodyguards retreat slightly – sans Steve and Thor, who stand slightly forward from the rest.

I take a moment to collect my words, smooth my white blouse, black slacks, and glittery blazer with matching flats, and take one more glance towards the note cards, plaster a big smile of my face, and step up to the podium.

People are shouting my name and I thank god for sunglasses because without them, I’d be blind by now.

“Thank you! Thank you!” I clear my throat and lean into the microphone. ”Now settle down and we can begin. Please hold all question until the end. Thank you.”

“As many of you may know by now, my father Tony Stark was kidnapped yesterday afternoon while doing work for the Avengers. All efforts are being made to find him safely and bring him home. Meanwhile, I will be heading Stark Industries and making sure its public image and products continue to live up to the Stark name. Questions.”

“Ms. Stark!”

“Yes, you in the tweed jacket and big glasses.”

“What was your father working on when he was taken?”

“He was doing his duty as an Avenger. That is all I can release at this time. Next.”

“Over here!”

“You in the pink blazer.”

“What can we expect from Stark Industries with you running the show?”

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