Chapter 19

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More battle coming right up. Thanks to Yami the Outcast for the awesome review.

Chapter 19

I spun around to become face to face with – by my best estimate – a hundred and fifty or so snarling, flying, beasts, and another fifty or so blue-eyed soldiers.

I would really like to say that I charged into battle, repulsors at the ready, slaying anything in my path.

But my dad says not lie, unless it’s to the press or enemies.

Honestly? I turned tail and flew.

“Jarvis, full power to the thrusters!”

I zigged and zagged through the streets of London at about the speed of sound, rolling and ducking and dodging teeth and falling monuments.

”Mayday! Mayday! This is Iron Beta, I have about two hundred trailing me and I need backup ASAP!”

No response.


Still nothing. I huff and bank left to avoid a set of teeth that narrowly miss my head.

Okay, if they’re aren’t helping, then I need somewhere to hide. And fast.

I scan the horizon to see nothing but the most iconic clock in the world.

Big Ben! That’s it! Service areas behind the clock face!

I turn widely right as I pick up even more speed and head straight for the base of the clock.

Closer, closer, please don’t let me crash…

I flip up at the last second, listening to the yelps and crunches with glee as Zygones go careening into the clock.

I then spiral up the clock, taking tight and fast turns, and make more beasts and soldiers crash with each turn.

Once I reach the iconic clock face, I secure my helmet smash through the glass between four and five.

Once inside, I tumble down onto a deserted service catwalk and scramble away from the hole, where dripping muzzles are now trying to force their way inside.

“Jarvis,” I pant, “How many are still out there?”

“Approximately one hundred, ma’am.”

“Well that’s peachy. Any luck on the comms?”

“Not as of yet. A distress signal will be sent out at the earliest convenience.”

“The earliest convenience might not be quick enough, J.”

I get up and find the stairs, hoping to get down to the base level for the service entrance.

I eventually make it down two hundred something steps-

-only to be met with a boarded door, shaking with the sounds of barks and howls and snarls.

I sit in defeat, sighing as I run a hand through my sweaty hair. I disassemble my suit, both in order to keep from overheating (me and the suit) and to prevent losing power.

I was just finished snapping on my emergency comm when the first buzz came in.

“-ta? Beta, come in!”

“Iron Beta here!”

“What is going on, Beta? The last we heard of you was that mayday!” Cap’s voice is stern yet unbelievably worried.

Iron Beta: Life as Tony Stark's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now