Little Rp Rant

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Okay guys, I'm sorry and I know we all have our different ways to rp but I have some pet peeves that need to be met otherwise I get kinda confused...

1.) When ever your talking as a character please do this

[Ex1] Alfred: *waves* Hiya!

In example one the ** separates the action from what Alfie(America from APHetalia) is saying

Thanks for being the test dummy here America! :)

Alfred: No problem dude! Can I have my burger now??

Me: *tosses it to him* there happy?

Alfred: *nods rapidly*


If you insist on something else please tell me I'm not trying to control you guys! And I'm sorry if it seems like that but this is how I keep things organized I'm sure we can work something out if you don't agree with what I have on here c:

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