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From a young age, T know he had unusual interests. Controlling parents and weirded out friends from school prevented him from showing his true nature that often. All he had was Youtube, Pornhub, and when he neared adulthood: fetish chat rooms. T had spent a long time on those chat rooms to talk to other people with the same interests. Eventually after many RP's and partners later, he had found the One, the One who was a perfect match for him, the One who only lived a few cities over from him. The two love birds hit it off instantly, T knew his love struggled with self love, so they often did exercises to boot it up. Many conditioning, and tickle sessions later, T and his love now both love themselves more, and each other infinitely more. He and his lover loved every second of every session, his loves favorite times was when T would torture her poor sensitive tootsies. As a direct result of this, T developed a foot fetish. If only they new that everything was about to change, would T still have don what he did for his love? Or would he abstained from getting too close? He still asks these questions to himself each day. News of the president increasing the countries defenses was rumored all over town, the two knew this and weren't too worried about it, that is until the both got a letter saying they've been drafted to join the Navy Marine Corps. So they were forced to go to a Navel base and try to become the best of the best. The two lovers never really saw each other for the ladies barracks were separate from the men's. they only saw each other during specialized training exercises that all members had to attend. Afterwards they were allowed to socialize for 15-30 minutes with anyone they wanted to. It was during this time they would have some fun, like they used to. These times were so short and so far in between that they never did anything hardcore. Just some foot attention was all they really did.

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