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*the alarm sounds*
"Ahhh,why do you have to wake me up now? She said meanwhile she covered herself with the blanket
"Aishh..." wakes up,turn off the alarm and seeing the time
"Ohh it's late,it's late,it's late ,it's late" she runned to the bathroom to brush her face and teeth. She gets dressed quickly, goes outside and locks the door, grabs her bike and heads to the new college.
While riding the bicycle, a boy in a white shirt walks past her on a motorcycle and made her falls off the bicycle involuntary,the boy kept going, the girl got up nervously "Yaa,don't you look when you're riding,you can get the others hurt" she screamed...
"Aishhh im already late" picks up the bike and hurries to college

_after 20 minutes_

She arrives at the college,getting herself in the class "I'm sorry,I'm late" she said to the teacher "Late on the first day of school Miss.Min" replied the teacher "Introduce yourself to the class"
"Goodmorning everyone I'm Min Sun-hee and i like videogames" she said with a big anxiety

"Go and sit next to Kim Taehyung" said the teacher "Next to whom ?" answered shocked °this can't be real,don't tell me is that Kim Taehyung I know° was saying in her mind "Taehyung-shi ,is that really you?" saying that with a fake smile while sitting down "Ya ,Sun-shi ,long time not seeing you" replied also with a fake smile
"What are you doing here,still wants to destroy also the years of the college ? whispering "If you insist.." saying sarcastly "Aishh ..you"

Actually he did many bigs things to her in school but he always cared for her by giving her sandwiches

"Silent there ,pay attention you two" was saying the teacher with a loud voice "Ne teacher ,biahne" they said at the same time
°this can't be ,why do i had to meet him god° crying in her mind
Finished the first lesson enters the main teacher "Good Morning everyone, I'm Park Hoseok the main teacher in all the school" said proudly.
"Today we're gonna choose a class monitor" saying loudly °that's my change,I can't let him be the class monitor again°
"Don't worry girl,you don't have any change" whispering in her ear, her heart starts to beat fast hey stob it,stob it! Was saying in her mind
"OK then who will candidate ?" asked the teacher "Me" replied Taehyung while gets up aishhh "Also me ,teacher" she replied "OK then let's vote" said the teacher
"Who want Kim Taehyung as the class monitor?" Asked ,10 of them raised their hands "Who wants Min Sun-he as the class monitor?" Asked again and 11 of the hands raised up with Taehyung hand also,she couldn't believe that he raised his hand too °Why did he raised up his hand?° "Congratulation miss Min ,you're the class monitor" "Ne,cansaamida" she said happily but confused at the same time

_school finish_

"Ya ,Sun-shi,where do you live ? he asked her "Why would I tell you and stob following me" she started going faster
"My house is in that way too,girl" laughs
°she thinks I follow her because I want°he thinks
°Arogant as always°she thinks
"Oh Finally home" she said while opened the gate and looking at Taehyung
"Ya your house is here?" She said shocked"Right next to mine?"
°Why does it have to happen to me°she said in her mind "Be happy to have a neighbour like me" laughs and enters in his house
"Aishhh ,im so unlucky" enters in her house

"So it means that I have to support him for another  year?"
"Yes" sounded like Taehyung's voice
"Oh what's goin...g ,why I did I hear his voice ?" She slaps her face "Am I crazy?Do I have to go to a doctor?"
Layis herself on the bed "if I sleep I'll not hear it anymore" thinks,smirks and after some time she felt asleep

_in the morning _

She saw Taehyung exit his house "I should leave before he sees me..." but taehyung saw her "Monitor,Morning" saying while stepping aside her and smirking
°What's with that wide smirk bro° she thought
"You know how to say goodmorning?"he said
"No,actually no if that person is you" she replied
_To school_

"Today we'll change the charts" said the teacher
"Yes yes,finally,I don't have to sit with taehyung again,he's driving me crazy" she said loud
"Not you two miss,you'll be deskmates for a long time" said the teacher "You heard it Miss?" Taehying said it sarcastly
"My life is so hard" putting her head on the desk

Schools finish and she heads herself to her parents cemetery,cause it was the 10th anniversary of their death,yes,they died in Seoul in a car accident,after that accident Sun-hee moved to her grandma in Busan,but she died too so she came back to Seoul
"Eomma,Abagi,I miss you so bad" she said with tears in her eyes
"So many things happened recently,eomma you know that guy Kim Taehyung,he happened to be in the same class with me,again" smiles and looking down
"That guy, I said to you when I was a child,that I liked him,cause he was giving me his sandwiches"

Yes,she liked him when they were still children,actually they are sweethearts,but after he moved away and didn't said a word to her, she didn't see him for such a long long time, her feeling for him disappeared
And she talks and talks and talks for a long time ⌛

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