Part 1

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Get up Matt you're going to be late for school my mother yelled.

I'm coming I yelled back.

Suddenly a strange feeling came over me and I felt myself falling to the floor.

I must have been out for several minutes because I heard my mother coming up the stairs.

Are you dressed my mother asked?

Don't come in I'm almost done.

Alright my mother said and with that she went back down.

Blood was everywhere on my bed.

At first it took me a minute to figure out what happened.

When I figured it out i started to panic.

How can I cover this up I said to myself.

Your breakfast is getting cold my mother yelled

I threw a blanket over the blood to cover it up a little and grabbed a sweater to hide the scars on my hand so nobody at the school will ask me any questions.

I struggled to get downstairs and to seem normal.

I guess I lost a lot more blood than I thought I said to myself.

(Let's backtrack for a while and show you when all this started)

Ever since I was very young I felt like there was something wrong with me. I didn't have the words to describe how I felt deep inside of me. I was afraid of telling somebody how I felt for fear that somebody might think I am a freak. I did things that would put me in an insane assilum because they wouldn't understand how I feel.

(Back to the present)

What have you been doing up there, you made me late for work and with that  my mother kissed me goodbye and for the hundredth time told me not to forget to not miss the school bus.

Alright I told her as I scooped a pile of runny oatmeal into my bowl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2021 ⏰

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