Afford? Afford!

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Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"

"Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied.

"There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments."
Matthew 19: 16-17 NIV


Now Showing! Frozen Part 2.

I looked at the billboard hanging so wide at The Robinson's Place.

Now, there is nothing really special about this day.

Except that today, is the day I finished all my Quarter Exams.

Yes, that alone should explain it. I was fully stressed studying for Quarters (I was studying for Masters) while managing my work as a Faculty in a private school.

I guess the fatigue caught up with me. My hair looks a mess. My clothes, dishevelled from all the travelling I did.  My head, confused. And I haven't been able to sleep well for a week. 

I wanted to watch that movie. I really do.

And perhaps, there are some of you, readers, who were impulsive buyers and well, what is so difficult about watching a movie in theaters?

It's not hard to watch.

It's hard to afford.

Especially if you are working, and an instant breadwinnner in the family.

I took my wallet and checked some cash.

There is money.

But should I give in?
Because if I do, I would lose 300+ bucks in ny wallet. That is already enough to pay for dinner.

At last, I made the decision to come watch.

Nevermind the worry.
Nevermind the stress.
Nevermind the calculations.

Say no more, burden.

I bought a ticket to watch Frozen, and the lady in the ticketbooth is puzzled.

The show is already on its third week. Everyone probably had an illegal copy of the movie already.

And it's 11 am!

Awkward as it is, she handed me my receipt and offered me the front door.

And I watched Frozen 2 all by myself, at 11 am.

I watched.
And I wailed.
I utter inarticulate sounds of grief, desperation, frustration and finally relief.

All while watching Frozen 2 for myself.

It seemed as if I rented the whole cinema for my private depression episodes.

It was an amazing movie. Really. I had everything sorted after watching.

I am telling you this story of mine, because I believe, there are also people like me, reading this,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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