chapter 10

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"Ryan listen...."

"What's troubling you my dear?"

"Actually I wanted to tell you something, ummmm that I have saved enough for a travel abroad. I was hoping if you have enough to?"

"Yes bu..but.."

"I was hoping if you apply for a holiday from office. And we could start our visa and paperwork."

"Hold on girl! I know we have to go on a honeymoon but isn't it too early. I mean ..."

"It's not the honeymoon I'm taking. I want a serious world tour. Like a really serious one. I have been saving for many years and on our wedding Abu and Ami gifted me a handsome amount to."

"Hold on Michi, listen an average world tour costs between $5000-10,000 depending on the number of spots and luxuries.Things have to be planned in rational way.
I'm not saying I won't take you abroad but all I'm tryna say is we have to work things out."

"But you said..."

"I know Micheal I have enough to take both of us to a nice vacation but a whole world tour requires a whole lot of planning and understanding. At this point I can't leave my job as I'm at peak of my!"

Tears rolled down her eyes. "Ryan you can't be like this. Oh how could you, you have wretched my soul."
"Michealll!" He emphasized.
But she turned her back at him and slowly moved out of the room.

The night was a long one, she didn't had her dinner although the Sulemans' kept waiting for her at the dining.
Ryan somehow covered up for her that she had a headache because of the tiredness but, things seemed  suspecious to Ryan's father.
After dinner when Ryan's Ami and dadi went out for a walk he got up to Ryan who was watching sports in the TV lounge.
"G Abu!", Ryan seated properly, seeing  his father's stern face Ryan pressed the red button on the remote and switched off the soccer in between.
"Beta, I just wanted to tell you that it's too early to start sitting alone."
Ryan had no clue what he was talking about. His muddled expressions all vivid on his face. The eyebrows raising in question but mouth uttered no words. Ryan between all this understood and seemed guilty.
Abu gestured him, he then left for his room upstairs.

                         * * * * * *

She was all in tears, is this what I wanted from life? Where is my eutopia? How could he do this to me...
Micheal was not what she used to be, a happy chirpy bird instead it was something that was controlling her. She was possessed, not by an apparation but by her dreams or more specifically her selfishness.

The phone rang, the pitched voice pierced Micheal's ear. "Helloooooo Michi! Do u miss me, do you?"
This overexcited voice was no other but Mimi's.

"Hey girl!" Micheal answered. Her voice was slow and raspy.

"What happened where is your soul girl?"

Micheal didn't respond instead she hushed her sobs...

"Your crying, michi? What happened?Is everything alright, where's Ryan give him the phone...oh should I give this phone to aunty?..."

"Hey I'm fine... Just having a bad throat."

"Really you sure...?"

"Yes I'm good. How are you all..."

"We're fine too, so any plans for your honeymoon, hey how about I say you should go perform Umerah first... Cuz Michi you should thank Allah for what he has given to you in form of Ryan....I mean you need to have an evil eye of two were looking dope at your wedding especially at your Valima so my advice Start with Umerah.

"Hold on Mimi ..."

"Oh don't make me stop I'm dreaming to get a partner like Ryan. Infact all our friends are praying too. What else do you need u have a loving husband a nice home every thing."

"Thankyou so much Mimi , you made my day... When are you going back?"

"Ummm maybe in like 2 months. I'll get my degree by then. Mama is already looking for my rishta when you go to Allah's house do pray for me that I get an ideal partner like yours....."

"Inshallah Mimi .... "

After an hour of gossiping Mimi hunged the phone up. Talking to Mimi was a therapy in itself.
Micheal's legs were crossed, she was thinking deep. Lost in the puddle of imagination. When the thought hit her. "Was I being selfish?"
She bit her lips and rolled her eyes in directions and shook her head. "Indeed I was." It was at this time the door knob turned and  someone slowly paced in. She looked up and Ryan was standing right beside her.
Ryan! she spoke and tightly hugged him." I'm so sorry for being a jerk. I didn't meant any unfaithfulness.,,,, Please forgive me" she looked him straight into his eyes. Her brown pupil was  reflecting with tears.

"Hey come on you did nothing, I was the one to break you, I shouldn't have said everything so abrupt."

This was long hug,a warm one. Micheal felt comfort she was lagging that day. Now she once again had the love of her life.

 Now she once again had the love of her life

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