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I'm Pariah Hans. I'm 14, I live with my 21 year old sister, Kim, because me & my parents never got along. I love me some girls & my parents where homophobic. I am what you call a "disgrace" to the family. Although Kim was a whore, I was the disgrace.

Kim is beautiful and so were her curves. She had the body of a coca cola bottle. The only thing wrong with Kim is that she can't have kids. Lord knows how much Kim want kids. Kim would do damn near anything to have children of her own. That's probably why she sleep with so many men. She might think she'll fuck around & have some miracle baby or something.

Me & my girlfriend, Connie, been together for a year & a half & I wouldn't trade her for the world. Her mom, Ms. Diamond, is extra chill. I would go over there to smoke or drink, not as if I couldn't do that at my sister house but all types of dick's run in & out of that house. I rather be with my girlfriend & her ma.

I have two brothers. Cuz & Greg. Greg was the golden child. He is the one that my parents worshipped, that put more effort towards & threw money at him at any given moment.

Cuz was the drug addict. He have kids all over the place out here in Atlanta. I stopped counting after eleven. He left his first six kids to be in the crack house. Last I heard from him he was in prison. Who really knows where he is? Them pigs quick to let him out as quick as they put him in.

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