Chapter 06.

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When we get back to the table Mike pulls my seat out & push me close to the table. He takes he's seat. I look at my plate & everything looks delicious but I can't get out my head that I'm about to eat cat.

"Are you going to eat?" Mike questions.

"Yeah." I answer picking up my fork.

Mike is just going to town on his plate.

"You must really like this place." I ask.

"Yeah, its cool. I use to work here so i know a lot about this place."

"What do you do now?"

"I'm a business man."

"You beat people up. That's not professional for a business man." I throw in.

"That's very professional for the type of business i run."

"What kind of business do you run? I'm curious."

"Why aren't you eating?" He changes the subject while he stuffs his face.

"Can i het a to go plate, please?" I ask the waiter walking pass.

"I'll go get that for you right now." The waiter replies.

"You ready to go home?" Mike questions.

"No, but i am ready to leave."

The waiter brings me the plate & i put my food in. Mike finishes up his plate & we head out the door & back into his car. We pull up to a studio apartment. I don't speak too much i just follow Mikes lead. Mike unlocks the door & inside its so nice.

"This your place?" I'm in shock.

"Yeah this me, i ain't no dirty nigga."

"Never said you were." I snap at him.

"Come here." He says pulling me close to him. "I like you." He looks me in my eyes & it's like I can feel that he means it but i play hard to get.

"You just saying shit." I push away from him & turn my back. "You probably just trying to get in the undies."

He pushes my head to the coffee table. "If i wanted to fuck I would've told you that from the jump." He says in my ear. He pulls me up. "It's too much pussy out here to be trying to sweet talk someone just to fuck. Now when i say i like you, i really like you. And if I'm not mistaking, you like me too."

I fold my arms, "what makes you think that?"

"You don't know anything about me & you find me fascinating."

He wasn't lying. I wanted to learn so much more about him.

"I know you have school in the morning so you shoukd get some shut eye." He leds me to his room. "You can sleep in here. I'll sleep in the living room."

I pull him by the arm before he leaves. "Sleep with me." I suggest.

He comes back & cut the lights off. We lay up in the bed & he holds me so tight i knew i was untouchable.

The "Disgrace"Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant