Chapter 14.

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Mike drops me off at school but before i get out the car he grabs my hand & tells me, "I love you."

"You love me?" I question. This was Mike first time ever telling me he loves me.

"Yes, that's what i said."

"You love me or you love me because I'm carring your baby?" I look in his eyes & he looks away without saying a word. "Yeah, i thought so."

As i get out the car i see Connie & Keya. I try to walk pass them but Keya loud mouth ass had to say something.

"Damn, who is that?" She says like she want the hook up.

"He don't want you shawty. Gone ahead & pipe down." I tell her.


"I called you last night." Connie says with her head down.

"My phone was dead." I make up an excuse.

"Your phone is always dead." She start to get angry.

"Yeah, what'sthe point of you having a phone?" Keya follows.

At this point I'm getting fed up with keya shit. So i needed to put an end to this shit. "It went dead cuz you kept blowing my shit up about the next time we gone fuck."

"What?" Connie says flabbergasted.

"Tell her Keya." I add.

"Tell me what?!" Connie says starting to make a scene.

"G-g-girl," Keya starts choking up. "I don't know what she talking about."

"Bitch, you've been fucking my first love?" Connie says getting in Keya face. A crowd starts to come around.

"No! Your girlfriend been fucking me." Keya yells trying to act tough.

"Actually," i butt in. "We've been fucking each other.

Before Keya could get another word out Connie hit her with a mean right & didn't stop there. Keya tried to hit back but she kept missing. Connie was too fast for her. Who would've knew Connie had thumpers like that? I always thought Connie was too pretty to fight. If anything Keya looks like the type to fuck people up. Boy was i wrong.

At this point Keya started bleeding from her mouth & nose but Connie didn't stop there. Keya was screaming for someone to get Connie off of her, but no one stepped in to help her. To be honest, everybody been waiting for Keya to get her ass whooped like this. The teachers wasn't even trying to stop it. After i felt the ass whooping went on long enough i grabbed Connie off Keya.

"Get the fuck off of me!" Connie yells tryingto get me off of her. I let her go and she smacks me. "You piece of shit! How could you? What have i done for you to hurt me like this?"

I stand there in silence. What could i say? Sorry for fucking your bestfriend? Connie picks up her bag & walks off. Keya looks at me & i look at her, speechless, the both of us. I walk off & the administrators come running out asking what happened. A little too late ya think? Keya nor i say anything.

In the office me & Keya try to make up stories.

"Ima tell the truth." Keya tells me.

"No hell. Tell them you fell or something." I tell her.

She keeps quit then out of no where starts crying. I don't bother to ask whats wrong. I don't have sympathy for shawty.

"Where did i go wrong?" She cries out.

I breathe heavy & look at her like she a simple dumb bitch. "When you fucked me, duh."

"You did this to me." She starts at me trying to get loud.

"Aye! Shut the fuck up! You did this to yourself. You cam onto me." I say in a loud whisper. "Don't try to blame this on me! Yeah, i agreed but you offered."

"We've been bestfriends since 3rd grade. We started falling apart when you came along."

"If you don't shut the fuck up." I start but the principal walks in. He tells Keya to come to the back with him. I sit there for about 10 minutes then he walks out & tell me i can leave.

I run into Connie on my way to class. I stop her just to at least have closer. I do love Connie but I'm all fucked up. She doesn't deserve this, she doesn't deserve me, she deserves better.

"You good?" I say ready to be slapped again.

"Is there anything else you wanna let me know?" She questions.

Well, i been fucking around with your mom too.

"No." I state.

"Good. Then we're done here." She walks off.

And just like that...... we were over.

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