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(Bisexual Male reader x Osamu)

"God, I am so tired..."

Osamu scoffs next to him and strides over to his desk. Osamu plants both his elbows on the desk and stares at him with a small smirk on his face. Y/N nudges his arms off the table and smiles into his sleeve. At the same moment, Atsumu burst into the classroom with a loud shout and dragged the two introverts out of their peaceful space.

They headed to their lunch table and sat down to eat.

"Shit! I left my lunch at home 'Samu. Can you share it with me?"

Samu scoffed before stuffing all the food into his mouth. Atsumu glared at him with shock and rage before muttering and headed to buy a sandwich. Y/N was laughing his ass off and proceeded to down his own lunch. They began discussing about trivial topics until a particular one came up.

"Anyways, ain't it Pride month?"

Y/N bit back a groan before remembering the thing he wanted to discuss with Osamu at the start of the day. Ugh, I chickened out and didn't tell him that I'm Bi. I really hope he is'nt a homophobe. Welp, no use dragging it out... I should tell him.

" Hey about that Osamu... can you promise me if I tell you about this that we can still be friends and that you won't hate me?"

Osamu, confusion written all over his face, nodded slowly. Y/N breathed in, in preperation of telling his best friend, that he was Bi.

"I am Bisexual. I hope this doesn't change our relationship and I really hope that you would still want to be friends with m..."

Before he could finish that statement, Osamu lit up and started hugging Y/N.
He lifted him up in the air and started twirling him around, telling him how proud he was that they came out. The whole cafeteria started looking their way and were shocked by the events taking place. After all, it wasn't every day you see the quieter Miya, twirling around a random guy.

Osamu finally put him down and started showering him with praises. Osamu kept saying how he was so happy that he came out and the pressure he must have felt to do that. Y/N could only blush under such praise and his face started to heat up.

At the end of the lunch break, Y/N could only smile at the positivity that he was showered with and the support of his best friends, that made him feel reassured.


Author's note

Remember kids! It takes a lotta guts to come out to a friend or a loved one! So if someone decides to come out to you, please give them the reassurance that they need and should get!

Weebnewbie (new username)

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