~First dirty thing/sexual thing y'all did w/o actually doing the dirty~

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Yall are aged up

Masturbated together

He got the idea

He made sure you were comfortable with his idea before starting.

Jaeden 🥺:
You have him a handjob

He had morning wood when you spent the night at his house one day and you told him you would take care of it.

You made sure he was fine with it first.

Finn 🐸:
He ate you out/gave you a blowjob

You were both h0Rñy and you wanted him to and he was comfortable with it

He didn't want make you do it back him back so he went and took care of himself in the bathroom.

Jack 🛹:
Y'all had a make out session fully naked

You were in the shower and he decided to invite himself in and he pecked your lips then it got more heated.

Then y'all got out the shower and continued to make out on his bed.

Sorry this was prolly so bad but anyways.... I hope y'all enjoyed.... I guess??

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