~when your on your period~

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A/N this is obviously for female reader's so if you're a male and don't wanna read this SKIP💜


He comes over right away

Immediately gives you cuddles

"If you need to go change your diaper thing the code word is ketchup ok"

You keep randomly yelling at him then saying sorry five minutes later.

"I want ice cream wyhat"

He goes to the store to get you some

You eat the whole container

Then cuddle and watch Disney channel

Shake it up comes on

Wyatt immediately changes it


You when to his house and it happened on his bed

"Shit I'm so sorry jae" you start crying

He freezes up and doesn't know what to do.

*You run to the bathroom*

You can hear him on the phone with his mom who is down stairs.

"Mom I need so of your woman products"

A minute later he comes and slips a pad underneath the door

Lots of cuddles and he holds a heat pack on your stomach


You bled through your pants wale in public and he sees

* Clears throat* "u-umm babe you uh uh have some blood on you"

You look at him confused until he points at your butt


He gives you his jacket to tie around your waist.

Y'all go to his house and cuddle in his bed and watch Netflix


He came to your house because he heard you were having bad cramps

He brought lots of junk food... And ate most of it himself 😃

You just wanted to sleep so he watched Dora by himself and cuddled you tight

You woke up to him yelling to Dora about where the number 2 was.


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