Chapter 7: My Family

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Alex's POV

I sat down in my chair with a sigh as I looked at the paperwork I had to fill out. This would be my last stack before I go on maternity leave. My hand automatically caressed my belly and I picked up my pen. There was a ruckus outside my office and I looked up.

My door opened to reveal my wife who had a beaming smile on her face. Behind her I could see Alura fly by as she giggled and my sister rush behind her to catch her.

"Hey, you two" Rebekah smiled.

She walked over to me after closing my door and gave me a kiss.

"Seems like Kara and Lena are having fun" I laugh. We could see Alura float towards the ceiling through the window.

"You know that'll be us soon" my wife says softly.

She wraps her arms around me from behind and I close my eyes. I remember about the paperwork I have and sighed again.

"I need to finish these before we leave today. I wont be coming back for a while after today" I say.

"Ok. I'll leave you to it. Let me know when you're ready to go home" she responds.

I nod and give her another kiss. My eyes follow her as she walks out. She walks over to Kara and Lena who have finally caught Alura. My little niece wiggled around in Lena's arms and waved her hands around. She was nearly a year old already. My heart felt warm knowing that I'll have my own soon.

I refocused on my papers so that we could go home early. By the time I was done my eyes could barely keep open. I set fown my pen and made to get out of my chair. There was a strong breeze and I realized that Rebekah was helping me up.

"I heard your pen being put down" she explains.

"You do know I can fly now right?" I tease.

"Doesnt mean you cant be too careful. Lets head home. Kara and Lena left a while ago with Alura. They invited us to a game night this weekend" Rebekah says.

I grab the house keys, my sweater, phone, and let Rebekah carry my backpack of things Im taking home. We walked to the balcony and flew off to our house.

Once we landed on our patio I was completely spent and rubbed my belly. I was much bigger now and the time of the waddles was here. I was eager to finally meet our child. I wondered if this was how Lena felt when she was pregnant with Alura.

I made to sit down on the couch and Rebekah kissed the top of my head. I closed my eyes and leaned back for a much needed nap.

Rebekah's POV

As I made dinner I glanced to Alex who was napping on the couch. I turned off the stove and walked quietly over to her. Her head rested on the back of the couch while her hands were spread protectively over her belly. I knelt in front of her between her knees.

I gently caressed her cheek as she slept and smiled. I couldnt imagine a life without them, and I couldnt remember what it was like on my own. I hadnt told Alex yet but I would be retiring from doing missions for the government. They had no idea about Alex and the baby and were talking of doing riskier missions. I knew being Kryptonian lessened my chances of being hurt but I couldnt chance it. I couldnt risk myself over my family.

I kissed her cheek and her eyes slowly began to open. She yawned and I rested my cheek on her stomach. Her hand ran through my hair and I kept smiling.

"How long was I out?" She asked quietly.

"Not long. Dinner is ready if youre hungry" I look up.

"Nowadays Im always hungry. Now I know how my sister feels on the daily" she mumbles. I laugh as I get up and help her off the couch.

We eat dinner while discussing some baby stuff and the time comes to tell Alex about retirement. I start to fidget in my seat and I can tell she's noticed.

"Whats wrong?" She asks.

"Nothings wrong, really. I just have something to tell you" I breathe out.

"Youre not pregnant too are you? I admit I love kids and have always wanted them but I dont know about two Kryptonian ones at the same time" she jokes.

"No Im not" I laugh. "I wanted to tell you about work."

I see her slightly flinch and sit up straight.

"Are they sending you on a mission?" Alex asks hesitantly.

"No, they're not. They wont be anymore" I say lowly. I reach across the table and grab her hand.

"I told them I wanted to retire. I didnt give them details because they dont know about you and the baby. I didnt want them to keep giving me work that could potentially be dangerous. I noticed that they were getting riskier and I cant do that to you. To our family. So, I told them that I would be retiring" I explain.

My wife is silent and still for a minute. I could her trying to make sense if it all. She blinked once. Twice.

"So, no more missions?" She whispers.

"No, I will only help Kara and the DEO when needed. Kara was also thinking of the same thing. I want to be here for you. Financially we will still be more than ok. I'll just be home more."

I will for her to be ok with this and hold my breath. She lets go of my hand and stands up slowly. Her belly moves ahead of her as she stands in front of me. I stand up and nervously look in her eyes. She suddenly pulls me into a kiss and her arms wrap around my neck.

"You're sure about this?" She mutters against my lips. I pull away slightly and smiled.

"Yes, I'm sure. You and the baby are my priority now" I respond.

Alex continues to hug me and I feel relief fill me that she was ok with this. I gently nip her neck and playfully smack her ass.

"Were you really worried I was pregnant?" I whisper.

"No, I was only teasing" she says.

"Then you wont mind me doing this, do you babycakes?" I coo. I grab her ass and start to guide her to the bedroom.

"Big belly and all?" She snarks.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Alrighty! Sorry its been awhile. Ive been busy and to be honest this story is dying for me. The next chapter will be the last! Stay trashy!

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