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The bright light of the morning shined into her hotel room, providing a harsh wake up call to Raven. Her face tensed as she squeezed her eyes close, and she quickly rolled over to get away from the brightness.

The sudden feeling of a warm body pressing against her in a familiar way caused a light smile to come across her lips as his arm tightened around her waist.

Raven slowly opened her eyes, but as they adjusted to the room and she realized she was in a hotel and not back at the Tower, the reality of where her life was at made having a male presence in her bed unsettling.

She quickly sat up just to immediately regret it as her head began to pound. She groaned at the pain as she held the side of her head. And as she glanced down at her sleeping companion, all the memories of her actions that led to him being there came crashing in at full force.

But before she could dwell on any of that, there was a rapid knocking at her door.

"What now?" She groaned, getting out of bed, and rushing to the door. "What?" She asked harshly, and before Maxine could speak her attention was immediately drawn to what Raven was wearing.

"Did you sleep with someone?" She asked in surprise, staring at the men's graphic gamer shirt that barely covered her.

Raven quickly glanced down at herself before shaking her head. "Of course not." She quickly defended.

But Maxine knew better. "You did!" She exclaimed, not believing the gamer shirt was Raven's choice of sleep attire.

Raven tensed at the loud voice, quickly shushing her. "Maxine, why are you here?" She asked harshly.

"It's 9:50. Our boss will be calling us in ten minutes following up last night." She reminded.

"Great." Raven groaned, dragging her hands down her face.

"I'm guessing you will want to make the call in my room. Presuming your sleepover buddy is still there." Maxine said, slowly peeking into the room.

Raven quickly blocked the view of her room. "I will be there in 5 minutes." She told her before quickly shutting the door.

"Great." She ran her hand through her disheveled hair before running towards her suitcase and pulling out her clothes.

"Rae?..." She heard her sleepover buddy say tiredly as he sat up. "Where are you going?"

"I'm late for work." She said quickly and she could hear the light chuckle under his breath. "What?" She asked in an annoyed tone, glaring at him as he looked at her.

"And where do you work?" He asked in amusement.

"We can talk later, I'm late." She told him as she grabbed the hem of his shirt. She was about to pull it over her head when she looked at him. "Can you turn around, please?"

He looked at her surprised. "You're joking."

She rolled her eyes. "Gar..." She told him impatiently.

"Ignoring the fact that I saw you naked last night... We dated for 3 years, where I also saw you-"

"Can you please just turn around!" She demanded angrily.

He quickly raised his hands in reluctant defeat, turning away from her. "Same old, modest Raven. You haven't changed one bit."

"I've changed a lot, for your information." She responded tensely as she hurriedly got dressed.

"No." He smirked, turning back to her. "You're still my grouchy Raven."

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