chapter one- promise me

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"Get up" a hollow voice snapped, waking Kaylani from her slumber.

The light was flicked on and it shined brightly into her eyes, causing her to squeeze them tightly shut.

"Do you mind?" the young girl snarled, crawling out of her bed. In the doorway of her room, watching her while he held his leather trunk beside him, stood her brother, a tow headed blonde boy with icy grey eyes.

"It's almost time to leave Kay, father's been asking after you" the boy whispered through gritted teeth.
His posture almost royal, as if too afraid to slouch or let his tone budge from it's near perfect pitch. "I wouldn't keep him waiting much longer"

"Thank you Draco" Kaylani spoke, mocking his serious tone. "Seriously Dray it's alright to let loose every once in awhile" She shuffled into her snake crested school robes as her brother peered around the corner of her door into the hallway.  The siblings were often quite serious towards eachother...well the whole house was really. Unlike most families, the Malfoy's strong bloodline consisted of loveless interactions and awkward silences that often led to days without speaking. It was a quiet manor, but any day without an argument was something Kaylani held dearly.

"You know how upset he gets when we are improper" Draco said, his neck curving back to face the pale girl in front of him. "Although you might not realize it, he deserves our respect"

Kaylani scoffed as he spoke. "Respect?" she repeated. "Need I remind yo-"

She began to lift her trunk off her bed but Draco turned around and grabbed the leather strap before she could. "Cut it out Kay, that isn't a funny tale you just joke around with your friends about"

She froze and swallowed deeply, watching the glare her brother had developed.  Everything Draco ever did was to please his creator. No matter how difficult the task, or how bad he wanted to turn away and hide, Draco always did exactly what he was told.

"I never said-"

Kaylani was silenced once again, but this time not by the young blonde haired boy.

"Draco!" A loud voice shrieked, shaking the icy walls of the Malfoy manor. Walking into the room where they were both standing, was a thin, sour looking man, with white hair slicked down past his pointy shoulders.

"Ah good, you're up" their father said, poking his snake head staff at Kaylani. "Just about time, Malfoy's need to stay on schedule." He beemed, stepping forward and gripping his daughters shoulder, so tightly that his long and groomed finger nails practically pierced her soft skin. Although it was a burning feeling, Kaylani somewhat enjoyed the slight pain her father was causing her, it reminded her of what she was risking if she continued to push his limits.

"My apologies father" she whispered, avoiding the gaze of the tall man in front of her.

"Good" He used his hand that was already on her shoulder to push Kaylani forward into the path towards the great marble kitchen.

"Goodmorning dearies!" Narcissa hummed as they entered the kitchen "Would you like breakfast"

Draco quickly sat down beside his mother and accepted a plate of food from one of the house elves. Lucius followed suit and sat at the very end of the long table gesturing for Kaylani to join them.

"I think I'm just gonna eat on the train" she responded, waving away the house elf in a friendly way. Lucius gave her a disgusted look before growling "Nonesense, you sit with your family and you eat what our elves have made us"

When she declined again, he slammed his fist on the table loudly, causing the food to fly off of Draco's fork.

"You sit and you eat" he shouted glaring at her, this was a somewhat common occurrence. Lucius was never one to "baby" his children, especially not the courageuse first born who tended to completely disregard his best wishes for her.

All I Ever Wanted//Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now