chapter four- apologize

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⚠️: Soft smut

As Kaylani walked back towards her common room she allowed the cool light of the moon to shine over her skin.

The halls were empty and dimly lit, dressed with the soft sounds of the wind blowing outside.

"pureblood" Kaylani muttered to the portrait covering her common room. The picture swung open and Kaylani climbed in.

The common room was dark and chilly, laced with green and gold curtains and cushions.

"Where have you been?" A voice asked from the couch. Draco was facing the fire, not looking at Kaylani, his pearly hair reflecting the dancing flames.

"Hey Dray," she yawned, rubbing her eyes.

She trudged over to the couch and slouched down beside her brother, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Snape, he had me help him catch someone who had been stealing love potions from his cellar." she lied, sinking deeper into the couch.

Draco sighed and rested his head on Kaylani's.
"You know I was worried about you Kay...for some reason"

She didn't hear him. She had dozed off and was breathing softly against him, the weight of her world, resting gently on his shoulder.

He didn't often show her how grateful he was for her. He knew the things she did for him but he would always keep it to himself, in fear of his father.

"Goodnight Kay" he whispered, placing her head on the pillow and tucking her in with a large blanket.

He left her there to sleep, casting a protection spell around the couch, and heading up to bed.
- - -

The next few days went by quite normally. Kaylani didn't speak to Fred at all. She was too focused on school, Draco and oddly...the Tri-Wizard Tournament.

She talked with Cedric about his decision to enter and how she was considering it.
He told her she should and how awesome it would be for the Hogwarts Champion to be female.

"And you think i'll get selected?" she laughed slipping her books into her bag.
He lifted her book bag off the table and slung it over his shoulder.

"I mean why not, you're an amazing witch" Cedric said, guiding her out of the library. He had always tried his hardest to help Kaylani see her talents, knowing that nobody else ever acknowledged them.

As she turned the corner a large hand gripped her upper arm from behind, the familiar warmth sending a current of electricity into her heart.

"Oi Malfoy" Fred whispered, causing Cedric's smile to fade. He turned swiftly back to face Fred, his fist clenching tighter around Kaylani's book bag. Fred quickly forced a smile, his hand around her arm dropping lower to her palm.

"Evening Diggory, just thought I'd have a quick chat with my good friend here Lani" Fred said, pulling Kaylani closer to him, causing her to gasp slightly.

"Woah mate, don't touch her like that" Cedric whispered looking directly at Fred as he stepped forward. He knew all the awful things that had happened between the Malfoy's and the Weasley's in the past. He was there the time that the Weasley twins had forged a letter from Lucius to Kaylani as a prank just as he was there when Kaylani found out Percy Weasley destroyed the broomstick Narcissa had sent her.

Fred looked shocked by Cedric's defence of Kaylani and let go of her arm, allowing her to tumble back against Cedric.

"I just need her help is all Diggory" Fred said, signalling to George who was standing in the corner of the library.

All I Ever Wanted//Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now