The Barrier

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She hides behind a barrier,

one that she created herself.

She is the only one allowed inside,

the only person allowed to know the danger she faces.

She is her own enemy.

Battle after battle,

harm after harm,

she cannot out-do herself.

Inside her mind is a war zone,

she pictures horrors,

kinds that other young women don’t see.

Her mind is miles of tangled yarn.

All her thoughts are meshed together,

no hope in untangling them.

Her thoughts scare her,

full of danger and harm.

No one seems to understand her thoughts,

they’re unknown to the world.

She locks herself in her barrier,

people bang on the walls,

begging her to let them enter.

She puts on her music and ignores the world,

she never lets anyone inside.

No one quite knows why.

Perhaps she does not want help,

or too scared to share her feelings.

Her large hazel eyes carry a story

full of sadness and regret.

She made mistakes in her past,

never able to forget them.

She never gives herself pride,

only finds the bad in what she does.

Tears slowly drop from those hazel eyes,

each sob louder than the last.

She doesn’t cry anymore,

her many tears left her eyes in a drought.

For once in her life,

she’s allowing herself to walk outside

out of the barrier

and into a happy life.

She is slowly untangling the miles of yarn,

letting her dangerous thoughts escape her lips.

She’s letting her hands grasp help,

she holds it tightly,

and lets it take her to happiness.

She is no stranger,

she is a friend of mine.

She is me.

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