Untold Side Of Love

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Throw away the roses,

forget the memories.

Burn the pictures,

erase the mind.

Remember he isn't here anymore,

he changed.

He isn't the same person he said

he would always be.

Every tear,

every fight,

wasn't worth it.

He won.

The battle is over.

He has forgotten me,

once and for all,

I am forgotten.

I'll never forget the smile he wore,

the hand I held.

Now he stares at me with no expression,

his hand at his side,

a dent in my heart.

I look at him with untold words,

untold questions.

My eyes tell a story,

of a broken girl

with broken memories,

crying to be put back together.

I am not important to him,

he has moved on.

I am just another piece in his game.

The piece that was lost,

buried beneath the couch cushion,

waiting to be found.

There was a time where he said "forever".

Forever is a long time,

he said he knew that,

He promised he meant it.

The promise was broken.

The word forever was a lie,

it slowly turned to goodbye.

Words have no meanings anymore,

they all turn out to be lies.

The phrase,

"I love you"

was the worst lie I believed.

I was drowning in his lies.

Each one pulled me deeper

and deeper in.

The lies were discovered.

I was pulled in too far to swim back up.

I am the history in his past,

the roadblock in his life,

the crumpled papers in his trash,

the story left untold.

Tear apart his lies.

Forget his touch,

his smell,

his eyes.

It doesn't matter anymore.

Throw his presents in the fire,

then walk away,

because he walked out on me.

I look at him once more,

before I walk away.

I remember the lies,

sorrow, regret,

I turn away and walk.

For from him,

and my pain,


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