22~ Cyrus

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Cyrus Jay Conners.

Sage's brother, the American mafia leader, the person Lina loves, Jaylin's father, and many other things he can be classified as.

I pulled out the file to make sure my memory served me right, and it does.

I had to set it aside and email Zittire what I need him to do, but now I'm back looking through the file. Specifically for a phone number.

I've always been cautious when it comes to mafia leaders because of the power they hold and how far they can take things. That's why it helps to have a lot of detailed information about them, most of the time.

However when you're looking for 9 consecutive numbers out of at least 50 pages, it can be fairly annoying.

I get to the 12th page when I find it and I immediately write it down.

I then push it aside and start to hack into the security cameras in the building.

It takes me five minutes, but I end up getting the live feed to each and every one of his cameras.

I then go back to the phone number and dial it, pressing the phone to my ear while is rings.

I lean back in my chair, watching Cyrus converse with two other guys who look to be the same age as him, none of them paying attention to the ringing phone.

The line then beeps and tells me to leave a message.

"Cyrus Jay Conners, I've heard of you before but now I'm interested in having a meeting with you. I know you're listening to this right now, and from your face, you don't seem pleased. Pick up the phone and we can talk" I say, watching all three of the guys look at the phone

He then reaches over and puts it on speaker.

"Good boy, I would also like to know who your friends are" I say

"Morgan Belmore and Race Killian. Now who wants to know?" He asks

"Regina Della Morte" I say and watch as all of their expressions turn confused

"What do you want and what does it have to do with me?" He asks

"I don't necessarily want anything, except a truce between us. I don't want my family getting hurt in the crossfire if someone decides to be a dick" I answer

"That can be arranged. Now what are you to give me in return?" He asks

"I have nothing to give you at all, just a chance for you to have something. Now please hold while I go make sure of something" I say putting the call on hold and walking out of the room, going to find Lina

When I do she's in the room Juli stayed in this morning.

"Sorry to interrupt you two, but I have a question for you Lina" I say leaning on the doorframe of the room

"What is it?" She asks

"If I can get in contact with Cyrus, would you like him back in your life?" I ask

She looks at me with shock, disbelief, and even a slight bit of confusion.

"Are you serious?" She asks

"I would never lie to you about something like this" I respond truthfully

"Yes of course" she beams and comes to hug me

"Are you sure?" I ask and she pulls away from hugging me

"Even if he didn't want me anymore he still deserves to know his daughter. So yes, I am very sure" she says and I nod

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