Ashes Ashes We All Fall

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The Journey Is More Important Than The Destination

Clem and Duck's journey to Aj

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The Night of the Bite:

How long had it been since the two had left Richmond? They had lost count.

Mariana and Javi were long out of there minds, in fact the others hadn't been a fleeting thought in their heads for quite some time. Not because they didn't care to think of them, but because the two had been on a journey that was so chaotic the last thing on either of their minds was another person.

They wished for their safety, and that was all they could do. Last they had heard Richmond was at war, fire had befell them, and Clem and Duck were long gone when that happened.

It was too bad to go back. Duck and Clem both could see the carnage of the war raging on between Richmond and whoever this other group were, and they wanted no parts, nor did they care enough to partake. They had other pressing matters to attend to. They had been on a journey to find the boy they deemed their son, and their current predicament was that Duck had lost that damn map, and Clem was pissed.

Where were they?

They could remember their last landmark but they passed that weeks ago. A fucking sign or a bridge didn't tell them anything. Duck didn't want to admit they were lost, but they were and with no map, they had no clue what direction McCarrol Ranch could even be.

"Maybe we could just keep heading North like we been doing."

Clementine scoffed. "That's fucking stupid."

The boy groaned, rolling his eyes. He hated this. "Well you have any better fucking ideas?! Cause that's all we got right about now!"

"No! I don't! That's the problem, we're shit out of luck until we can find another map right now." Clementine angrily replied. That map was their lifeline to Aj, and now it was gone. It wasn't like they could march back to Richmond and get Lingard to give them another one. The bastard was dead, as he should be, and dead men can't talk.

"I don't know how many times I have to say I'm sorry for losing the damned thing Clem." Duck did feel bad. She should know more than anyone he'd never do anything to jeopardize their mission of getting Aj back. After all, he loves him just as much as she does.

"I don't want to talk right now Kenneth."

Duck scoffed. "Fucking great. Kenneth, really?!"

The two continued walking. The sun was setting, and they were approaching some old cabins. Hopefully they'd find some place to lay their heads for the night. Their feet ached from walking on the hard ground all day and Clem was sure her soles were rubbed raw.

She wouldn't tell Duck that though. She'd never see the end of the long lecture.

"I can't believe you just called me Kenneth. We'll find another map!" Duck tried again.

But Clem didn't reply, she faced away from him in fact. Instead she focused her attention on the breeze, it was warm. She found it nice considering the sun was setting. Usually once the sun begin setting the air would go cold on her skin, she wasn't fond of the feeling.

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