The Hand and The Heart

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The "hand" is a metaphor for the way the heart may lead the person to do something sinful.

How far will Clem and Duck go to get Aj back?

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1 Week Later

After running into the cult both Duck and Clementine had made it their mission to become more cautious. They implemented their first rule between the two of them.

Never Go Alone.

It ensured that no matter what the other was always there to help. Duck brought it up, and Clementine had agreed. If they were together in the woods maybe things wouldn't have gotten so out of hand.

The rule had been working so far.

When there was trouble the other was there in lightening speed. They refused to be separated again.

"I can see the ranch on top of that hill there..." Duck pointed it out and Clem nodded.

"Finally we're here."

It took months for them to reach the ranch on foot and finally after everything, they could see it with their own eyes. Then they paused coming across a white man made sign on the trail.

Duck frowned.

It was a sign that led them straight to McCarol Ranch, complete with an arrow pointing in the exact direction.

"They don't hide themselves that's for damn sure." Duck seemed agitated that a sign could lead people straight to the ranch. Anyone with any intention could just walk up to the doors that housed Aj.

How safe was that?

"Let's just go get him." Clementine trudged forward.

"We don't know what their forces are like, we can't just walk through their front gates." Duck wanted to be a bit more leveled headed. Clementine at the moment was acting on emotion, she wasn't stopping to think about what could happen.

And Duck knew that was dangerous.

He knew the time with the cult they had left an impression on her, and after finding out the kids were being transported to God knows where her anxiety spiked.

His did as well, he didn't want to show her that though.

"Clementine please, let's think about this." Duck stopped walking, and hoped that Clem would follow after him and pause; just for a moment.

It seemed like she was going to ignore him for a moment as she kept walking forward but then she stopped. Her leather boots dug into the dirt as she slowly turned to face Duck.

"We need to get him now, these psychos are feeding him-" She stopped herself from signing any further, just the thought of it made her blood burn. Once Duck had told her what he overheard her head began spinning. How could anyone do that to kids?

Duck shivered a bit from her cold glare. That face she made was the same she wore for years after his betrayal. She was angry.

He thought he'd never see it again.

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