Chapter 3:Zuko; Turtle Ducks

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Fire Lord Zuko. A title that Zuko was still not used to, his sister loved the title. She was a natural at leading, or at least leading the Fire Nation. But then again, before they had killed their father she had been his favorite.

The sun was high as Zuko sat against the trunk of a tree in the garden inside the palace. He was watching as the turtle ducks swam in the pond, this was his favorite place in the palace. Azula was relentless with her teasing when she had found out, he tried not to let it bother him, but he still found himself getting chills whenever he saw his sister smile at him in that way, the way that told you she was about to burn you alive with her words instead of her blue fire or lightening.

The quiet was what had brought him out here to begin with though. He was sick and tired of hearing the voices of the court telling him to get married, he would get married on his own damn time. Not when someone else wanted it. He had thought for a while that he might marry Mai, he really did, but then he killed his father, and everything went up into flames, literally. The whole palace had been on fire that day, it took the last four years since the war ended to restore what had been lost, and not only within the Fire Nation. But also all around the whole world. Reestablishing the peace that had once been was not an easy feat, nor was it for the faint of heart. Zuko was tired, so very tired. And now this? He was pretty sure he was going to blow something up one of these days from frustration. Azula had already done that. So I guess that meant he was next.

His attention was pulled away from the turtle ducks as he watched his uncle walk towards him. He had aged greatly in the last few years, despite this, he still had a spring in his step. "So this is where you have run off too", his uncle sat down next to him, groaning as he did so.

"Hello Uncle." Zuko greeted him with a simple nod. "Why are you hiding?" Iroh asked, "I'm not hiding uncle, I am sitting and enjoying the um...the sun and lotus flowers." Uncle Iroh chuckled, Zuko's accuse was lame, but in the moment he could not come up with anything else. "The court only wishes for the best of the Fire Nation Zuko, their push for you to get married is just how they have decided to show that." Zuko frowned, "Then why Uncle, have they not pushed Azula to get married?"

"Because she is a woman, and you are the eldest. You may rule side by side as siblings, but you have the right to rule before she." Zuko sighed, his uncle was right, he was being childish, and foolish. He knew this, but that did not stop him from being irritated. This was a part of being the Fire Lord, of ruling a nation. Making sure that there was an heir in case something happened was his responsibility. "Azula is still in the picture though, so even if I were to die right this moment she would still be here." He looked at his uncle, daring him to say otherwise.

"You're right."


Zuko looked at his uncle, he sat there calmly, acting as if he had not just agreed to what Zuko had said. "Your sister will still be here if you die, but the court does not care for such things. While they fear your sister, they respect you Zuko, you have shown that you are a worthy leader in the past four years." Zuko sighed and stood, there was a heavy weight on his shoulders, a burden that would sit on him until the day he died, one that he would never be able to truly escape. The sun slowly started to sink at this point, telling him that it was getting late into the afternoon. He had things he needed to do, mostly paperwork that was calling his name, but instead he decided that he was going to find Azula, and do some sparring. 


Two hours later, Zuko was soaked in sweat, his hair sticking to his back, neck, and forehead. He had let it grow out. And now it went past his shoulders in length. He did not have time to think though, as Azula came running at him, full speed. Fire daggers held in both hands, she swung her arm wide, going for his neck, he ducked, blocking her with his arm. He was using his duel blades instead of fire-bending, it made it so he had to focus harder, pay closer attention to Azula's movements. Azula had always been incredibly skilled in fire-bending, the spark in her eyes bright, and flaming. His grandfather had always said that Azula was a true fire-bender, since she was born the fire had been there. But Zuko's had not been, the spark that all fire-benders were born with had not been there when he was born, it had only appeared when he had gotten older.

Deadly. That was the only way to describe Azula. 

"You seem rather distracted today Zuzu!" Azula shouted to him as she pulled away from her attack. "Don't call me that!" He shouted back, at this point Azula was just trying to get a rise out of him, he could tell in her movements. It was working though, Zuko picked up his space, going on the offense, he spend up his attacks, hoping to catch her off guard. It worked, and Azula laughed with slight nervousness, she had not been expecting him to keep his cool, usually such things, as calling him Zuzu would make him go off his rocker. But something really must be bothering him for him to be so aggressive. Azula was still not into the whole mushy 'feelings' thing, but despite that she found herself wondering what could be on his mind.

So she stopped the fight, pulling away and lowering her hands to her side, her bending stopped and both fire daggers went out. Zuko, seeing that Azula had pulled away and stopped bending, he too, lowered his swords.

"So what is on your mind Big Brother?" Azula asked, "Still mopping over Mai?" Azula watched as Zuko walked over to where an attendant was waiting with towels and water. He took both, walking over to her and handing the towel. He downed his water before answering. "The court is asking that I get married within the year." Azula choked on her water, it burned as it went up her nose, her eyes watered from the burn, laughter bubbled up, and she exploded in a fit of hysterical laughter. Zuko stared at his sister blankly, clearly not amused. "You married? They must think that the world is ending if they are that desperate." Azula looked at him as she wiped away her tears, her hand resting on her stomach from her outburst. "Why are they in such a hurry? You just turned 20 not that long ago, I see no point in rushing." Azula cocked an eyebrow in question.

"I would agree, but that does not stop them from pushing it." Zuko answered, he just needed to stop worrying about it. There was no point in dwelling on it, he was The Fire Lord after all, in the end the decision would be his. And his alone. And no council was going to make it for him.

 "Well Zuzu, what do you say to some dinner? I'm rather tired and would like a bath." Zuko chuckled and nodded, it was pretty late now, and he found that after sparring he was very hungry. So Azula and Zuko made their way back into the palace, and enjoyed a quiet dinner with their uncle. All three of them completely unaware of what was in store for them within the coming months.

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