Chapter 3: Invite

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" Do you need anything while I am out gran?" Annella asked as she pulled on her cream cashmere coat and her scarf and gloves.

" No deary, oh and please remember about your dress fitting at one! It's only a five days until the ball!" Her gran called to her.

" Yes gran!" Annella yelled back as Jenna walked through and into the front hall.

" Please remember sweety. You missed the last five! You go off into those woods and forget about everything." Jenna whined to her granddaughter.

" And I said I am sorry, I promise I will attend this one." Annella told her as she tied the belt around the waist of her jacket. She smiled to her grandmother before leaving through the door.

" Be safe." Jenna called as Annella closed the door and made her way down the lawn. She held her arms close as her feet crunched the fresh snow. She walked out of the large black iron gates and down into the town. She began to him softly to herself as she walked down the streets of the quiet little town. She smiled as the Christmas decorations were being hung in the shops.

" Wonderful as always." A voice sounded from behind Annella. She growled knowing exactly who the voice belonged to.

" Disappear Justin." Annella growled in her deep accent as he moaned behind her.

" Your voice is so sexy." He growled placing his hand onto her arm. Annella shrugged it off and continued to walk at a faster pace.

" Ann." Justin said behind her.

" Annella to you. Only my friends and family get to call me Ann." She snapped at him. He growled and grabbed her arm pulling her roughly into a dark side ally of the town. He pinned her to the wall with his own body. Annella tried to push him off her but he was too strong and he grabbed her arms, pinning them to her sides.

" Get off me, leech!" She hissed at him in both anger and slight pain from his grasp. Justin reached a hand up to her chin and gripped it tightly.

" Such beauty." he growled to her before kissing her roughly. Annella tried to pull herself from his grasp but was unable to. So she done the only thing she can, she bit his bottom lip hard. Justin pulled back letting her go to wipe the fresh blood from his mouth. He yelped in pain as he throw himself back into Annella again.

" I said get of..." She began before he covered her mouth with his hand, muffling her voice. Annella glared at him intensely.

" You will pay for that." He growled to her as he squeezed her wrist tighter. Annella muffled a moan in pain as she felt the sharp stabbing pain rush through her. But she did not give him the satisfaction of her pain.

" Do we have a problem here?" A low voice called from the entrance of the ally. Justin eyes turned and looked to the man standing in the entrance. He was tall and very well built with short brown hair. His golden eyes glared at Justin as she released Annella.

" Nothing that you need to concern yourself with." Justin growled grabbing Annella's upper arm roughly causing her to wince as he pulled her closer to him.

" Let her go." A woman not much shorter than the man. She had curly blond hair and golden eyes. Her beauty was unseen as she glare at Justin as well.

" Or what?" Justin spat at the with anger. The couple sent a demon like glare that could send even the toughest of men quacking in their boots. The air around them seemed to drop in temperature as Justin loosened his grip slightly. Annella took her chance and threw her foot down hard onto his shiny new Italian shoes. Justin yelled in pain as Annella pulled her arm from his grip and walked over to the couple that saved her.

" Asshole." Annella growled as she walked past the couple.

" Come." She told them with a soft smile. The couple followed leaving Justin to cry in pain over his foot.

" Thank you, for stepping in back there." Annella smiled to them as they walked along the main road.

" It's no bother. I'm Emmett Cullen." The man said putting a hand out. Annella took it and shook his hand softly with a smile.

" Rosalie Hale." The blond girl introduced herself.

" Pleasure, I'm Annella Blair." She shook their hands as they stood outside a small bakers.

" You have the same last name as Jaspers. Are you related?" She asked Rosalie who nodded in return.

" Yes, he is my twin." She smiled to her.

" Well I tell you what, I have an hour before I have to be somewhere. Allow me to buy you something to eat." Annella said to them opening the door to the small bakery.

" No really we are fine." Rosalie said but Annella shook her head and ushered them inside.

" No way! You saved my ass back there from mister asshole. It's the least I can do!" Annella said as they sat down at a small table.

" Afternoon Ann, what will it be today sweetheart?" A middle aged lady walked up to them with a white apron on her waist.

" White tea for me please Karen." Annella smiled to the dirty blond hair woman. Karen then turned her hazel eyes to the couple who were sitting next to each other. Emmett's hand on Rosalie's lap.

" Two glasses of water please." Rosalie smiled to her as she nodded and left. Annella took her gloves off and held her painful left wrist under the table.

" So you guys just moved to town then?" She asked them as they nodded.

" Yeah, we moved from Forks in Washington state." Emmett smirked to her.

" Jeez that's miles away!" Annella said surprised at how far they had travel.

" So why did you move to one of the smallest towns in Scotland?" She asked them curiously.

" That would be our adoptive mother. She likes to move around a lot." Rosalie told her as Karen brought their orders.

" Thanks." Annella said as she shrugged of her coat, leaving her in a soft baby pink jumper.

" How many is in your family?" Annella asked them as she took a sip of her tea.

"Nine. Carlisle and Esme are our adoptive parents. We have three girls and four boys. But the girls still run the house." Rosalie smirked to Annella who chuckled at the response.

" That's a large family you 'ave." Annella said taking another few sips of her tea.

"Yeah, what about your family?" Emmett asked. Annella sighed and her face saddened slightly.

" It's just me 'nd my grandmother now. My mother and father died in a landslide just up the highway. Across the Tay." Annella said taking the last drop of liquid into her mouth feeling nice and warm again.

" I am sorry." Emmett said regretting his question.

" Don't be. That was three years ago now." Annella brushed him off with a warm smile that instantly lightened his spirits. Rosalie caught sight of the bruise forming on her wrist.

" You should let Carlisle see to that wrist. It looked painful." Rosalie told her as Annella smiled and rubbed it gently.

" I will, but I first have to attend my fitting." Annella said as she pulled on her coat.

" Fitting?" Emmett asked confused. Annella wanted to throw her palm to her face in realisation.

" Of course you're new to town. Well every year on the 15th of this month. My grandmother holds a ball. You know suit and tied stuff." Annella told them as she tied her waist belt tightly.

" I know, why don't you and your family come." Annella smiled to them.

" We would not want to intrude." Rosalie said to her waving a pale hand.

" No please, I would love it too meet your family! It will also be a great way for you guys to meet the towns people." Annella said to them as she walked over to the cash desk and paid for her tea (the glasses of water being free)

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