Chapter 27

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Mackenzie's POV

I walked into my house and dropped my stuff on the floor then looked at the time


I wasn't tired so I brought my stuff upstairs and put everything away then made a phone call

Phone convo N= nina M=Mackenzie

N: hey sis what's up

M: hey is mom at home today

N: yeah she's off today why

M: I have to tell you guys something I'll be over in a bit don't tell her I'm coming or else she'll leave

N: okay I'll see you then bye

M:bye sissy

I hung up and grabbed my car keys and drove to the house

I knocked on the door and Nina answered it

"Hey what's up" she said

"I need to talk to you both together" I said weakly smiling

"Okay moms at the dining room table" she said walking with me

I walked in and my mom looked up and glared at me

"What is she doing here" she grumbled

"She has something to tell us" Nina said ignoring her tone

"Get out of my house" she hissed

"Mom..." I said

"No get out I don't want to hear anything you have to say"she spat

It hurt that my own mother didn't want anything to do with me

"You know what is was a stupid idea to come here" I said

I sighed and choked back tears I turned to leave when Nina grabbed my arm

"No your tell us this news what is it"she said

"I'm pregnant" I chocked out

"WHAT?!" My mom yelled

"Omg that's so cute I'm gonna be a auntie Ahhhhhh" Nina said freaking out which me smile

"With that Justin boy he doesn't love you why would you ruin your life like this" she screamed

I flinched i hated when people screamed I always have

"If that's what you think then fine I know he loves me and I don't need your blessing to have this child, I have more than enough money for her this is my life and you didn't want to be a part of it a long time ago and I don't expect you to now but I just thought you would like to know your having a grandchild" I said sternly but yet hurt

She looked at me in shock and got up and stormed off to another room

I plopped down in a chair and rested my head on the table I felt a hand on my back

"Kenzie it's gonna be okay you just have to give her time" she said

"I've given her 6 years and she still doesn't want anything to do with me what more does she want" I say looking at Nina

She looked at me not bowing what to say I groaned and put my head back on the table

"How about we go watch some movies to get your mind off thing" she said

I sighed and agreed

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and thinking back in childhood memories laughing about then

"So how are you and Justin" she asked

"Where great just trying to get through tour in one piece" I said playing with my fingers

She nodded

"So do you have a name picked out for her" she asked

"Yeah we decided on Layla grace Bieber" I said smiling

"That's really cute I can't believe I'm gonna be a auntie" she said

"Well believe it girly cause it's happening" I said grinning

"Well I'm gonna head out kenz I have school tomorrow"she said getting up

I hugged her and walked her to the door

As I closed the door my phone rang and I looked at it seeing it was a FaceTime from Justin I answered

"Hey baby" I said when I saw his face on the phone

"Hey what are you doing he said he was laying in his tour bus bed shirtless

"I was about to lay down how was your concert" I asked

We talked for another 3 hours about random things

"Scooter is yelling at me I have to go" Justin laughed

"Okay love you jay"

"Love you too babe...always" he said lowly and sweetly

I hung up and set my phone on the side table and fell into a deep sleep

I woke up suddenly and looked around and it was still dark out I checked the time and it was 4 am there was no reason why I was awake but I just couldn't go back to sleep I got up and went to music studio maybe writing will help me go back to sleep

I sat at the piano and grabbed a note book and continued on a song called skinny love it didn't relate to me but it was basically a story of a boy and a girl who loved each other but where to shy to admit it it was cute yet sad I thought.

"Come on skinny love just last the year,
Pour a little salt we were never here,
My my my, my my my, my-my my-my...
Staring at the sink of blood and crushed veneer.

Tell my love to wreck it all,
Cut out all the ropes and let me fall,
My my my, my my my, my-my my-my...
Right in the moment this order's tall.

And I told you to be patient,
And I told you to be fine,
And I told you to be balanced,
And I told you to be kind,
And in the morning I'll be with you,
But it will be a different kind,
'Cause I'll be holding all the tickets,
And you'll be owning all the fines.

Come on skinny love, what happened here?
Suckle on the hope in light brassieres,
My my my, my my my, my-my my-my...
Sullen load is full, so slow on the split.

And I told you to be patient,
And I told you to be fine,
And I told you to be balanced,
And I told you to be kind,
And now all your love is wasted,
Then who the hell was I?
'Cause now I'm breaking at the britches,
And at the end of all your lines.

Who will love you?
Who will fight?
And who will fall far behind?

Come on skinny love,
My my my, my my my, my-my my-my...
My my my, my my my, my-my my-my." I sung

I looked at the time and it was 6am already damn that song took longer that I thought

I still wasn't tired so I went downstairs and grabbed a cup of mint tea and checked my Twitter feed and saw a tweet from Justin

I love you babe <3 @mackenziejacobs

I smiled and retweeted it

I love you too jay 😘

As I posted it loads of tweets came in

@justinbieber and @mackenziejacobs relationship is goals 😍

I faved it

A bunch more came in like that it was cute how his fans supported him no matter what

Okay guys this was just a filler chapter so it's a little short but I couldn't just leave you with nothing so here you go I also want to thank you for 30k you guys are truly the best well then happy update Luvies


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