Chapter 5

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Justin's POV

"Well if you will excuses boys I'm gonna go" Kenzie said walking away

"Dude she's a bad bitch" Chaz said in awe

"Yeah" I said smirking"yeah she is"

~~~~1 month later~~~~~

Justin's POV

"Have you seen fredo?" I ask

"He's in instrument room with that Mackenzie girl" lily said in an irritated tone

"Thanks?" I said walking by to kind Kenzie and fredo"

Once I reach the room I walk in and see fredo sitting on the couch on his phone and Kenzie with her legs across his lap on her phone

"Hey guys"I say

"Hey bro"fredo said

"Hey justin"Kenzie said looking up from her phone

*Ring* *Ring*

Kenzie's phone went off Kenzie looked at her phone and her face dropped

"Um I'll be right back guys" Kenzie said walking out the room.

Mackenzie's POV

I walk out of the room and click answer.

"Hello?" I say lowly

"Kenzie what the fuck" Caleb's voice rang through the phone.

"Why are you calling me" I whisper tears brimming

"What are you doing not answering my calls what to busy with Justin Bieber" he says

"What....what are you talking about?" I ask

"You and your little boyfriend are all over magazines" he said

"He's not my boyfriend" I hiss

"He doesn't love you he never will as much as I do" he spat

"Where not even together "I spit back

"Kenz I love you don't you love me tell me you don't love me" he says

I didn't say anything cause deep down I do as stupid as it's sounds

"Baby please I love you so much" he cooes through the phone

A tear slips down my cheek then a flood of all these memories of the beatings and the rage I remember what he is capable of.

"No never again" I whimper

"Baby plea...." He says

"NO,NO NEVER AGAIN I will not fall for your sweet talk cause I know you Caleb I know you better than you know your self and that slut that's in your bed right now!! am I right? huh?"

"Kenz I can explain.." He said

"No that's the thing,you don't need to we're not together but you only call me when you know you fucked up I'm done D.O.N.E go find a girl that will put up with you crap cause it's not me or that girl in your bed" I snap clicking end

Storming off to my bunk I lay there then remember my song book I think it's time to write a song I pull me book out and flip to a clean page and start writing

Ridin' solo

You said that you'd come back around

So I waited here for you

It feels like things are different now

Don't know what's false or what's true

She's one of a kind |jb|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt