Chapter 1

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Heyo! Welcome to our fantasy AU! I really love this concept and I didn't see enough of it circulating around, so, I decided to write my own! Along the way, I picked up a wonderful co-author, Anna! Anna- take it away-

Hi everyone! looks like i'm a coauthor now! :D Thank you to Ollie for being super amazing and sweet and wonderful to work with, and for bringing me on board! I'm having the time of my life with this story, and I can't wait to see how it goes! ~ Anna

Thanks Anna! And, same here!! I just wanted to thank you all in addition to Anna. I've reposted this story many times, but your comments and kudos have fueled me and together with Anna, we've finally completed our first chapter. It is different from the original, so please take a look at it. Anna and I are currently writing the second chapter, the ideas are flowing and we're excited to share it with you all. Please enjoy! ~ Ollie

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Sunlight streams through the canopy of leaves, and the melodic trills of birds echo through the forest. It is peaceful and quiet, a perfect day in almost anyone's book. It's here that a young omega crouches low near a few bushes.

"Ah! Finally," he beams, green eyes sparkling. "You can't find calendula near the town. This will be perfect for Eri-chan's scars!"

Humming quietly to himself, he gathers a handful of the flowers, careful to leave a few shoots so that they can continue to grow. He folds the sprigs into a towel and carefully places them into his satchel. Then, grabbing a notebook and charcoal, he scribbles a few notes in the margins of a recipe.

"Beeswax, oils, and seeds," he notes. "I have oils, and I can collect enough seeds on the way home... Hm, beeswax..."

He taps his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe there'll be some leftover at the market... Oh! The market! I need to open the shop soon!"

He hurries along the path towards the town, collecting seeds and nuts as he goes. Then, pocketing the last of them, he strolls through the town gates and into the open-air market.

"Good morning, Midoriya-kun!"

"Morning, Shuuzenji-baasan!"

"Izuku-kun!" A woman calls. Izuku turns, and a flash of deep blue along with a waving hand captures Izuku's attention. Had Izuku not known her before, his eyes might have popped out of his skull. The woman is wearing a tight-laced corset with a skirt and leggings that left nothing to your imagination.

"Ah, Midnight-san! How's Kayo-chan?" Izuku beams, jogging over to the older woman.

"Ack, the wretched cat is fine, and I told you to call me Kayama when we're not working," she smiles cheekily. Izuku chuckles at her naturally flirtatious personality. She can come off as flippant, ditzy, and dramatic, but she was one of the most intelligent and dedicated women Izuku knew. He wouldn't change her for the world.

"I was wondering if you happened to have any leftover somnambulist gas? I meant to head to the city to pick up the ingredients for the potion, but there was a minor surgery last night, and I used the last of it." Somnambulist gas is a special potion that can only be made with Midnight's magic.

There are six types of magic:

Enhancers— their magic has anything to do with the strength of something, most healers are classified as enhancers;

Transmuters— not to be confused with conjurors, transmuters can create physically manifested elements from their magical ability such as fire, lightning, and more;

Conjurors— can manifest things with their magic, such as objects, conditions, and more;

Emitters— projects their magic outwards;

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