Chapter 2

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Woohoo, another chapter! Thank you for following this story. Ollie and I have worked very hard to put this chapter together! We hope you enjoy reading it just as much as we have writing it. See you soon! -Anna

We're finally back with the second ch after so long!!! Ty to returning readers and welcome new readers! We really wanted to do ch 2 justice! Enjoy! ~ Ollie

»»———-  ———-««

The sun dipped below the horizon, the moon quickly taking its place in the evening sky. Night was approaching swiftly, and so was the beginning of step two of the plan.

Izuku leans against the wall on the backside of his store front. He tries to appear as casual as a man leaning against a wall in the dark of night can. He doesn't think it's working.

Izuku's foot grounds a steady rhythm into the pavement with his growing anxiety the longer it takes for Aizawa-sensei to show up.

The cool night breeze stings the corners of his eyes, still raw from the tears he'd shed earlier.

His mother had begged to send him off, but they couldn't risk it. Instead, they had to settle for a tearful goodbye before Izuku left the bakery.

Izuku squeezes his eyes shut and tilts his head back enough to hit the wall with a painful thud. He wills away the image of his mother's blotchy, tear-stained face, grounding himself in the ache.

"You're gonna need those brain cells, Problem Child."

"Aizawa-sensei!" Izuku startles upright.

"Edgeshot is already scouting," he drawls in lieu of a reply. Izuku nods, lips drawn tight in determination.

Aizawa steps back into the shadows, the glint of moonlight on his white scarf the only hint that he was there. Izuku follows suit, and soon he's slipping past the town gates. He takes one last longing look at his shop, his town, his home, before he slips into the very forest he had returned from that morning.

The journey is quiet and quick, only stopping every so often when Edgeshot appears at their side to report. By the time they arrive at the abandoned mansion, the moon is already high in the night sky. It casts an eerie glow across the ruins and illuminates the dancing dust particles.

It's a large structure—two stories and a basement nestled between the borders of UA and Musutafu. The walls snake further into the forest, a fortress that once protected a secret.

Edgeshot appears on the crumbling steps at the entrance of the mansion. He nods to Aizawa before disappearing once more.

Aizawa sighs. Izuku meets his eyes. Everything is said, and yet no words are exchanged. It's "see you later", but not "goodbye". Izuku will be back.

And with that, Izuku is left alone inside the cold walls.

»»———-  ———-««

The entrance is still impressive, despite being in shambles. A thin layer of dust covers every surface, as if trying to hide the horrors that once occurred within its crumbling marble walls. Once neatly tiled floors are cracked, patches of dirt peeking through. Shards of glass from what was once a grand chandelier lay scattered across the room. Large, arching pillars that once supported the mansion in an impressive feat of architecture were now cracked.

It's ironic, Izuku thinks, that the man who once lived here couldn't stand filth. A monster with the wealth to indulge in sickly sterile fantasies.

Izuku remembers ruining the sparkling tiled floors with his boots, muddy from the trek through the woods. The chandelier was the first to go, shattering the domestic fantasy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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