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When jaune wake up every morning he is in his bedroom and then felt something was a miss regards you got out of bed, head straight to bathroom to change and head straight to kincken to breakfast and then started day but not this time, but this time thing get wild for young knight.

'"Ugh my head " jaune arc grooms out has he set up in the bed he was currently located in and looking around the bedroom he doesn't recognize anything in the room "where am I " he question himself, jaune then notices something on the floor he recognize it an every its his jacket that he bought last winter, then he notice his rest of clothes near it started form his t-shirt to pants to box short, then finally realizing that he only has a blanket covering his lower haft. Jaune then hears some ruffling and moving next to him and notices that there is something, no someone next to him. " What the uom just happened last night" jaune whisper to himself with wide eyes, before slowly reaching over towards the edge of the blanket, his arm starts to shake a bit out of nervousness as it nears it's destination.

Once his hand is at the edge of the blanket he slowly moves the cover down but freezes when he saw white hair "Did me and Weiss n-ooo please no !" He thinks himself before slowly pulling the rest of the blanket cover down to unveil the face of the person next to him. Under the blanket he sees the face of a beautiful women older than himself , with a strong resemblance to Weiss, at seeing this jaune stops for a second before dropping the blanket and laying back down on his back.

"Alright jaune clam down, its nothing big you just slept with an older women that you don't know." He tell's himself to stop him from freaking out even more, as he lays there he feels the person next to him shift around making him freeza, he felt a slender hand more around the bed before touching him, were it stops. Next thing he knows the unnamed women is on top of him naked with a hand on his throat and one poised to punch him.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my bed ?" She question jaune who is blushing like a school girl and close his eyes, after seeing his silence for a few seconds she smacked him "open your dram eyes and what are you blushing at ?" Jaune cracks one eye open and said "um same can be said to you can you please put on some clothes your's super naked right now."
She look down at hirself confused at first before looking back at jaune face, repeating this action a few times then she really lies she naked and he naked
Both naked in same bed. Then She gets picture and started to blushes to, then she notice something on her hand going wide eye she quickly grabs jaune arms before bring them up for her to look at and it was very confirm and she is very pissed about it, so she put one hand on his throat and one poised to punch him over and over again.

At this moment jaune is fearing for his own life now "oh dear god what is she going to do to me, wait she going to beat me to death with my own hands now ow ow someone save me please!!!!" Before he head her grant at him, " open your eye now before I kill now !" He did his he was told he open his eye and tries his hardest not to look at her but failure , jaune was looking at her naked body form her boobs to low part of the body. It was amazing thing he saw, but before jaune can comment on her body a punch felt on his face then he saw she going for again his instant kick in grab her hand and turn her back on the bed pinning her down and he was on top of her pushing down Punch on the bed pinning it to stop her form harming him and herself, there heads and there touching on one and another, " Alright miss clam down it's nothing big you just slept with an young guy that you don't know and like so what wrong with that we all make mistakes so can you make sure you don't harm me and herself. Jaune ask nicely and looking at the woman, she waited a few seconds then she nod at him. Then he let go of her hands and getting up then she punch him again , so he grabbed her again pinned her down still on top of her. She tired to kick him in the nuts, so he grab her leg's and open him open and putting his body between her legs making sure she stop moving, then she wrapped her legs around him, jaune grabbed her arms pinned then looked in her eye and she looked in her eye's there eye contact is form,
She was pissed very pissed she tired attack him and repeat this action few times before she felt something porking her between the leg's, her eye's wide at this, and grab jaune arms to set her free form his hold.
Jaune notice this and know what will she do to him few she set free so he tieten his grip on her so she don't.
She tired few minutes then she giving up she know she is not going everywhere, she stayed in that laying portion few minutes , then she stared to crying.

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