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Last time on drunken marriage :


As Jaune waved his hands goodbye to Ruby and her team and his wife and as they left. His head ached from all the knowledge that had been forced into it, but there was no hiding the smile on his face. Ruby had been as good as her word. He'd been pleased to see her, more pleased than he'd expected.

Her sister and white were really pretty good, too. His cheeks darkened at the thought on what he and yang while sleeping together he never enjoyed it He was betraying his wife trust but started look more into it it's like she enjoyed my company So does the girls, but there was no one around to see him, so he let himself look a little goofy. one especially, Winter his wife, he reminded himself, was How beautiful She is and how messed up He is in a way He can't say no to the girls It's like he was trained to say yes to every girl He sees to help them or in their personal matters sometimes they even make him there sex partner and then they leave It does breaks his heart every time but he doesn't know what to do anymore I think My heart is so broken in my mind so seeing logic I think I'm losing it...

Maybe if he'd been a huntsman or student alongside them, he'd have felt confident enough to ask her out. He couldn't do that here, though. It would be weird for someone who brought you drinks to do that, especially if she said no and he had to hand them the bill at the end of it.

Speaking of, they'd left him a generous tip, even after taking some cakes to go. Yang and Blake had seemed particularly pleased with the wrapping of those, which was odd since it was just brown paper around a box, and tied with some string with a little bow on top. Yang had called it cute.

He'd just gone with it because he knew how to wrap birthday presents well after doing it for nine family members for so long. Some of his sisters were so bad at it, they'd beg him to do it for them, and usually bribe him with sweets or other stuffed like lasagna for later you find job It wasn't lasagna It was a banana. Maybe I should do it more often. They seemed to really like it, and I suppose it would keep the food safe from rain.

He let out a long sigh and leaned on his counter. It was odd, but the day had been... almost pleasant. The same pain he'd felt before was absent, and it hadn't even flared up when Ruby introduced her old team as one from Beacon academies Maybe he was getting over it, or maybe time had diluted it all a little so it didn't hurt so much. He'd been afraid seeing Ruby again would make him feel like that... more afraid of that than he had of her lying and not coming back at all.

He was glad she had, and relieved that his insecurities had decided to throw itself off a cliff full of Dynamite.

There was a jingle at the door, and a new person entered. He was dressed in a full black suit, with a red tie and red sunglasses, as well as a black hat on his head. He was armed with a red axe. It was odd, but not unusual in a city where huntsmen and huntresses walked about. The man stalked forward, eyes hidden, and slammed his hand down on the counter.

"You know what I'm here for."


."f*** me I forgot the meeting was today "

A beautiful sunny day as the birds was singing while children were playing in the parks as The parents were looking after them while enjoying their own quality time with one another as it was another day another beautiful day in the kingdoms but that's only for sure but nobody knows what happens when it's all dark in the shadows.

A DUNKEN MISTAKE (RWBY). ON HOLD Where stories live. Discover now