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Winter was awoken by the beeping of her scroll alarm just as her dream was getting really good. It was a tremendous disappointment, both because she knew she had another climax in her and because waking up revealed that it had all been a big dream.

But it had felt so real and Her poor blow felt practically great from that dick she'd taken, battering her almost senseless, a man who was finally man enough to put her in her place and have fun with her as hard as she needed. Then there are those Men that my father pick for me there were just... so disappointing, unable to truly satisfy her needs and standards But not this man, a ex-student and he four years younger then me, but already so much more capable than anyone in Winter's dating life, But alas... just a dream. A desperate, hopeless fantasy.

Winter sighed. Why was it so hard to find a man who could meet her standards? Again ho yeah - She had a tendency to intimidate most men away from her, and then those that weren't scared away just weren't... man enough, there's were boys in man body or bearing, Not enough for Winter's tastes, not like her dream man like ......her husband. She is a queen, proudly, who needed someone who could just help her in when time of needs, and before last night's dream, she was starting to give up hope that she'd ever find a man good enough for that.

It was always one thing or the other. Men like those who didn't meet her standards and who were too unserious, too passive, too... weak or scared to treat her like she needed a servant or slave to treat her in the bedroom, or whose zeal, drive, and domineering personality... meant they had already found what they wanted ohh dear lord, but Either in a woman or Man is in their career ambitions.

But... Her late grandfather did say that dreams did contain wisdom, did they not? Filtered through the subconscious and made into an oblique message, but this Something in her daily experiences was trying to tell her that this Jaune Arc was a man worth paying attention to, and sexually and But why? ..... . He'd never really had a good impressed her, and then it's her sister wiess who was another matter entirely her letters that she sent out to her had made him out to be something of a boor incompetent money hungry monster like their father... but She was wrong jaune arc is not like their father but a little different and difficult to understand his motives but perhaps, that was what Winter needed right now to keep a eye on him see what he truly is capable of, and Weiss was still a child, so preoccupied with excellence that... maybe she was missing what Winter's subconscious was picking up on but-..

As Her thighs rubbed together as she imagined him, once again, as her stallion, taking her like a bitch in heat, yanking her back with a leash if she got too frisky... yes, Winter could quite easily picture Mr. Arc filling that role. Just a little... sounding him out, yes, and what was still required. Some discreet inquiries into him as a man, make some use of her Specialist training to plant a hidden camera and hopefully get a good peek at what the young man was hiding, Or perhaps she could be more... direct approach she then Picking up her scroll, she thought about

how to subtly ask her sister about passing along Mr. Arc's number. Perhaps she could frame it as giving the young man a stern "talking to" about how he treated Winter's precious little sister... and if she convinced Mr. Arc to leave Weiss alone by offering him a different Schnee woman to be his crazy-pet, ho well, he surely couldn't object, could he? And Weiss just... didn't have to know about this part of her big sister's life. She might be grateful for Winter to be taking him off her hands! Win-win all around, in Winter's opinion!


Morning : 7:30 am

When winter woke up that morning, it was to something was touching her rear...and that didn't hit her as something strange at first. That might have sounded funny to some people and it's Disturbing maybe but Those people, of course, had never had a cat in their life.

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