I am crying at 3am while writing this

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I always cry for the same shit every time and the funny thing is that when i'm done crying i tell myself that i'm never gonna cry about the same thing again but I always end up crying for the same reason. Sometimes I feel like I can't talk to anyone like I don't have friends and I feel as though if I were to talk to my family about it then they wouldn't listen or they would get mad and be like "why do you feel like this if you've got nothing to be sad about?", I guess I feel like they wouldn't understand I mean how could they understand if I don't even understand what's happening to me, I just feel sad and lonely. Many times I cry because of how my old friends had treated me, they weren't really nice to me, and I remember how much they had made me cry, the stress they had put on me, like it just hurts that I was always there for them but they were never there for me, they never asked if I was okay or anything and (TW/ SA) one of them made me feel extremely uncomfortable too, they were just really touchy towards me and I didn't like being touched like that so I told her to stop but then she would tell me "how do you expect your future husband to touch you?", I've never really opened up about this to anyone but I just want to reach out to anyone who has the same things going on, please if someone does do this to you please tell someone you trust.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2022 ⏰

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