My Everything

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In the soft glow of the morning sun,
Where love's tender journey has begun,
I write these words, my dear bride, to you,
A timeless vow, forever true.

Your eyes, like stars, light up my night,
Guiding me through every shadowed plight.
In your smile, I find my endless peace,
A sanctuary where all worries cease.

Your touch, a melody, so sweet and warm,
Calms the storms, brings sunshine after the storm.
With you, I've found my heart's pure song,
A serenade that lasts eternally long.

Your laughter, a melody that dances in the breeze,
Bringing joy, setting my spirit at ease.
In your presence, I am truly whole,
A love story written in the depths of my soul.

With you, my dear bride, life's colors shine bright,
A masterpiece painted in the softest light.
In every moment, your love I find,
A treasure, a blessing, so endlessly kind.

So here's my promise, my love, my guide,
To stand by your side, whatever may betide.
In joy and sorrow, in calm and tide,
Forever yours, my dear bride.

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