Talk to me

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*Sophia's POV*
Liz just called me saying that she fell Down The stairs. But her voice was all shaky. She almost sounded scared, so i a not sure if i should believe it. I am on my way to school now to pick her up and i hope that she will tell me the truth when i ask her what exactly happened.

*Liz's POV*
I am so nervous,what of My mom finds Out The truth.I am a Pretty Bad Liar. I always Start blushing when i lie.My Whole Body hurts.This just sucks.

Thirty minutes later at home...
My mom asks me to sit down with her on The Couch.So i did. "sweetie,you know you can Tell me everything."she tells me.I nod My Head and bite My bottom lip."Please Talk to me."My mom nearly begs.

Blind-Adopted by Sophia BushOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant