Mr and Mrs Blanco

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At Friday morning.

Tini woke up and did her morning routine. After that she went to school. On her way she met Jorge.

Jorge: Hey Tini! He hugged her.

Tini: Hey Jorge! She hugged him back.

Jorge: Are you excited for tonight?

Tini: A bit, I just hope there won´t be that much alcohol.

Jorge: Yes hopefully. He laughed. And don´t forget your promise.

Tini: Never.

Jorge: okay I just wanted to make sure I can count on you. I gotta go now. Shall I pick you up later so we can go together to the party?

Tini.: That would be great.

Jorge: Ok see ya later.

Tini: Bye

*at lunch*

Tini, Lodo, Mechi and Cande sat at a table and talked about the party.

Lodo: Tini did you invite everyone?

Tini: No just our closest friends.

Lodo: Ok perfect.

Lodo: What about the decorations and the drinks.

Cande: Lodo don´t worry we already checked that yesterday.

Lodo: Fine...

Mechi: Shall we all meet before the party to get dressed?

Lodo: that sounds amazing. But I have to stay at the house you know I have to prepare some more things.

Cande: No problem I can come Mechi.

Mechi: And what about you Tini?

Tini: I wish I could but Jorge picks me up... Anyway I have to go now see you later girls.

Tini went behind a corner so that she could still hear what they are talking.

Lodo: I think they will be a couple soon, don´t you?

Cande: Yes me too. They would be so cute together.

Mechi: Stop! Did you forget he´s my ex.

Lodo: Yes but you were the one who broke up not him. And you´re happy with Xabi now. Let them be happy together.

Mechi: No he´s still my Ex you don´t date your best friends Ex.

Mechi got angry and went.

Tini heard everything Mechi was saying and went too.


Tini was at home and got ready for the party. She curled her hair and got dressed in a purple dress with white high heels. As she did her make up the door bell ringed.

Her mother opened the door.

Mariana: Hey Jorge. Wow you look good.

Jorge: Thanks ehmmm is Tini ready?

Mariana: Not yet but you can wait in the living room.

Jorge: okay thank you.

He sat down and waited for Tini. Five mins later Tini came down the stairs.

Jorge stood there breathless.

Jorge helped her the last steps down: Wow you look amazing.

Tini: Same to you. Can we go?

Jorge: of course.

Tini and Jorge went to the party. They ringed at Lodo´s house and Lodo opened the door.

Lodo: Hello Mr and Mrs Blanco. She winked at both.

Tini: Shut up and let us in. She laughed.

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