Does Mechi know?

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Tini POV

The school nurse looked surprised at us.

Anyways I don't wanna disturb you two lovebirds. She said and closed the door.

Where did we stop?, Jorge asked me with a flirty voice.

I just smiled at him and put my arms around his neck.

What are you guys doing?! Mechi said coming inside.

Damn I didn't even see her opening the door.

Well, I just... I stuttered.

She just wanted to help me stand up. Jorge said without hesitating.

She looked suspisously at us.

Well, okay but Tini and I need to leave now! She said grabbing my wrist and leaving the room with me.

Why were you with him? She asked me.

He fell so his teacher told me to take care of him.

I don't believe you but whatever. So what did you draw? She asked me.

Oh right I totally forgot! I was so busy with Jorge.

The schoolbell rang.

I have to go to my locker see you later Mechi.

Bye. She said looking confused.

I went in the direction of my locker until I was sure Mechi didnt follow me. Then I turned and went to the nurse room to check on Jorge, but as I entered the room he was already gone so I went to the cafeteria to eat with the guys.

As I came there the boys and girls were sitting all together. I went to them but soon realized there was no chair for me and every other chair was already used by somebody else.

You can sit on my lap Tini. The one voice I wanted to hear so badly said.

I smiled at him and sat on his lap while he had his arms around my middle.

Mechi POV

Something is going on between Tini and Jorge I know it. First she was with him to take care of him and now she's sitting on his lap.

Come on Mechi there's no other chair what should she do? Lodo whispered.

F*ck did I say that out loud? I asked her

You did, she chuckled.

Back to Tini and Jorge just look at them. She says looking at them.

In that moment Jorge layed his chin on her shoulder.

Keep calm Mechi. They're just friends. But if I may ask, what is bad about them being together?

He's my Ex, duh! You don't date your best friend's Ex!

But if I remember right you were the one who broke up not him so why do you care? You are together with Xabi anyways.

Still! I said a bit angry. Why can't she understand that.


Tini POV

I'm so excited it's almost 3 o'clock so the auditions for Violetta are about to start. I went to the classroom which was the waiting room for now. I sat on my place and looked around. There weren't that many other girls. Good for me, I guess.

Tini here you are! Someone said running into the room.

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