Chapter 3

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The car flies through the air,and Crashes into the ground with a large "Crunch"Anchovy feels the large bump in the ground.The car bumps into the ground Both michele and Anchovy are thrown up a little in their seats.The car get's it's rear end caught by Michele's expert driving.Then,the car continues,as if the Grey Wolf incident had never happened.Then,the stage goes on without incident,and the car flies across the finish line.Then,the second part is completely skipped over by the pair.their times are consistently near the top 3,and they top the time sheets in 4 of the lo9 stages.In the end,they get 4th overall.after that rally,Michele and Anchovy go on to win 2 rally titles together.They win in a Lancia in 1976,then again,in an Audi in 1983.The are the most succesful Female Rally team.(Our world's Michele Mouton does not count).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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