Chapter 1

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What the hell! I'll start writing the sequel for Living the Dream and make people happy again! I have to say this will be different from my last one though. This is going to be more romantic and drama than the agent shit that I had before. But Kikyo and Yuki are still in; actually, they are considered the main characters of this story.

Well here is the first chapter of: It feels like Romeo and Juliet!

Well, how should we begin this lovely story? Nagisa and Shizuma are now happily married and in their new house (which was the summerhouse). Soon after their marriage, Hikari and Amane, and Tsubomi and Yaya's weddings followed after them. Everyone one seemed happy and enjoying there lived together. They kept in touch with everyone from a year ago. Kikyo and Yuki were pulled from Shizuma and Nagisa's bodies and living with them at the summerhouse. But at the time, they were on a small vacation to a beach house. Now, here is where this nice, warm story begins.

Nagisa woke the next morning, once again, in an empty bed. She sighed and guessed that Shizuma had a long night at the office again. It's been like this for the last couple of months ever since Shizuma graduated early and helped her father with the business. Nagisa got up and jumped into a hot shower. Just as she got comfortable, she heard the door open and clothes hitting the floor. ' Here we go again. Can't she just realize that I forgive her for the hundredth time!'

Shizuma hopped in the shower behind Nagisa and hugged her from behind. She laid her head against her wife's shoulder blade and kissed it. Nagisa was just about Shizuma's height as of her last doctor's appointment. She moved her hands to her waist and gave it a tight squeeze. Nagisa let out a soft moan and rested against Shizuma.

" Good morning, Mrs. Hanazono." Shizuma smiled and closed her eyes as the hot water fell over her head. She still couldn't believe that they were married and that she was running one of the richest companies in the world.

Nagisa smiled and grabbed Shizuma's arms and moved them around her waist. She giggled and traced her long, gentle hands. " Good morning to you too, honey. How was your work day yesterday?" She asked as she turned to face her and grabbed the body wash. She opened it and traced it all over Shizuma's body.

Shizuma closed her eyes and moaned as Nagisa's hands moved over her body. She blushed lightly and opened her eyes. " Tiring and long. Sorry that I didn't sleep with you but I didn't want to wake you." She grabbed the body wash away from her and did the same back to her. " I can't wake my beautiful wife as she sleeps, can I?"

Nagisa shook her head and enjoyed the moment that they had in the shower. She felt two warm lips touch hers and decided to play along. When the kiss broke, Nagisa turned off the shower and stepped out. " I have to change for school, sorry that I have to ruin the fun." She jumped out and dried herself off.

Shizuma sighed and hopped out after her. Both dried off in silence but Shizuma didn't notice that Nagisa had an evil grin on her face. Nagisa had a night planned out for them since it was their anniversary.

" Hey, I'm going to be home early today. I don't have afternoon classes because of the meetings for the teachers. What do you want to dinner?" Nagisa asked as she blow dried her hair and then looked at Shizuma. She dropped her smile and stared scared at her. She had THAT look on her face: one that says I-want-you-for-dinner. " I'm dessert, not dinner. Fine I will make the usual."

Shizuma just gave up and walked out of the bathroom. She changed into one of her suits and then blushed her hair. ' Why hasn't she said anything to me yet? I would jumped on her and told her. Sigh... I guess she forgot.' Shizuma finished up and grabbed her cell phone from the nightstand. As she grabbed the door, she heard something behind her. She turned around and saw an angry wife.

It looks like Romeo and Juliet Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora