Chapter 3

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Here it the third chapter of this tragic story. Sorry about making it sad and all but I wanted to make something happen that makes everyone realize that they each other in the time of need. After the beginning of the chapter, everything will be from different point of views. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Narrator POV

Shizuma drove in her silent car on the way to the hospital with everyone in front of her. She found out that her parents and Nagisa's parents were on there way too. She couldn't believe that the sweetest person she has every met was now forgetting her. When they got there, she walked quietly into the hospital and then saw her father waiting with Nagisa's parents. Shizuma felt tears again and ran to her dad for comfort.

" Shizuma, I'm so sorry." Her dad whispered into her ear and held his daughter close and cried a little with her. They walked hand and hand to her room and read Hanazono, Nagisa on it.

Shizuma took a deep breath before letting go of her father and walking into the room. She looked at her beautiful angel that was covered with bandages and sleeping. The deep she walked into the room, the harder it was to believe that all their hard work would have to begin again. Shizuma sat in the chair closest to the bed and held Nagisa's left hand. She played with the two rings on her finger and smiled.

" You silly girl, look what kind of mess you got into. Everyone is worried about you and waiting for you to wake up." Shizuma giggled and looked away. Nagisa slowly opened her eyes and Shizuma began talking again but not looking at Nagisa. " I don't want to lose you like I did with Kaori. I wouldn't be able to live without you. You mean everything to me and I don't want to see our hard work go down the drain." She looked at the freshly woke girl and smiled. " Hello Nagisa."

Nagisa POV

I opened my eyes and saw a lady next to me. I don't know who she is was but from where I was looking at, she was pretty. The lady looked at me and smiled.

" Hello Nagisa." She said and looked at me with those green eyes. Her eyes, they make me feel safe and warm but I don't remember why they do.

" Umm...hello." I managed to say before pulling my hand from hers. She had wedding rings like mine except the first one looks older. I looked around the room and then back her. " My I ask who you are?"

The woman next to me looked down and shook her head. " You really did forget me didn't you?"

Then something slow came into my head and I think it had to do something with her.

"Why would I forget you, Etoile-sama?" She looked at me and a tear fell from her eye.

" Sorry that came from no where but can I at least no your name, please?"

She smiled and nodded. " My name is Shizuma, Shizuma Hanazono."

I looked at Shizuma and smiled. " Nice to meet you, Shizuma-sama. I'm... I'm..." I don't even know my own name and sighed.

Shizuma giggled at me and touched my hand again. " Your name is Nagisa, Nagisa Hanazono. It's ok that you forgot, I'll get help your remember everything. I can promise you that."

My eyes met hers and I knew that she would keep that promise. " I would like that." I felt something rush to my cheeks and I looked away. I was blushing at something that I don't remember. But every time I look at her, my heart races and my cheeks flush. " You're really beautiful, Shizuma-sama." I felt my cheeks turning redder and her giggle came back, the giggle that left goose bumps everywhere.

Shizuma patted my head and then touched my cheek. " Thank you, Nagisa. I would have to say you too are cute." She lost her smiled and all happiness in her face.

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